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Психотерапия 627 книг

изд. 2024
Vader Problemanalyse, Zielanalyse, Zielformulierung in der Psychotherapie
- изд. 2024
5 005 ₽

изд. 2024
Kruger, Reinhard T. Disorder-Specific Psychodrama Therapy in Theory and Practice
- изд. 2024
6 121 ₽

изд. 2021
Proot, Catherine Yorke, Michael Challenges and choices for patient, carer and professional at the end of life
- изд. 2021
Living with Uncertainty gives a broad perspective on the complexities and challenges of the practice of end of life care, as well as the perceived benefits and limitations of medical intervention.
4 560 ₽

изд. 2021
Coronavirus, psychoanalysis, and philosophy
- изд. 2021
Originally published in the European Journal of Psychoanalysis (EJP), the essays in this volume are a set of responses to the Coronavirus crisis by distinguished philosophers and psychoanalysts from around the globe.
5 189 ₽

изд. 2021
Hurrelmann, Klaus (hertie School Of Governance, Germany) Albrecht, Erik Gen z
- изд. 2021
Gen Z is a vital, thought-provoking portrait of an astonishing generation. Drawing on firsthand interviews and empirical evidence, it offers insight into the boom in political activism amongst those born post-2000, exploring its roots and wide implications for the future of our society.
3 459 ₽

изд. 2021
Contemporary approach to clinical supervision
- изд. 2021
The most critical and influential relationship affecting one`s growth as a mental health professional is the relationship between the clinician and the supervisor. Good supervisors breed good therapists. This book goes beyond facts and figures to provide an innovative perspective on the supervision ...
5 032 ₽

изд. 2010
Crittenden Patricia Attachment and Family Therapy
- изд. 2010
Providing an integrative family-based approach to addressing psychological and relational needs of distressed children and their parents.
6 004 ₽

изд. 2014
Charura Divine Therapeutic Relationship Handbook
- изд. 2014
An exploration of the therapeutic relationship from a variety of theoretical positions for students as well as new and experienced practitioners
5 833 ₽
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