Индивидуальное и общественное здравоохранение 1070 книг
Systems Evolutionary Biology
изд. 2018

Chen, Bor-Sen Systems Evolutionary Biology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
Systems Evolutionary Biology: Biological Network Evolution Theory, Stochastic Evolutionary Game Strategies, and Applications to Systems Synthetic Biology discusses the evolutionary game theory and strategies of nonlinear stochastic biological networks under random genetic variations and environmenta...
17 400 ₽
Therapeutic, Probiotic and Unconventional Foods
изд. 2018

Grumezescu, Alexandru Therapeutic, Probiotic and Unconventional Foods

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
Therapeutic, Probiotic and Unconventional Foods compiles the most recent, interesting and innovative research on unconventional and therapeutic foods, highlighting their role in improving health and life quality, their implications on safety, and their industrial and economic impact. The book focuse...
29 222 ₽
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research
изд. 2018

Toldra, Fidel Advances in Food and Nutrition Research

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018

Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, Volume 84 provides updated knowledge on nutrients in foods and how to avoid their deficiency, especially the essential nutrients that should be present in the diet to reduce disease risk and optimize health. The book provides the latest advances on the identification...

17 267 ₽
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