Индивидуальное и общественное здравоохранение 1070 книг
Time and Body: Phenomenological and Psychopathological Approaches
изд. 2020

Christian Tewes, Giovanni Stanghellini Time and Body: Phenomenological and Psychopathological Approaches

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
This book guides advanced undergraduates, researchers and practitioners through current debates at the interface of psychology, phenomenology, and psychiatry. It demonstrates how psychopathology benefits from phenomenological and embodied approaches, and how they combine to apply to a range of menta...
18 876 ₽
Environmental Impact of Ships
изд. 2020

Stephen de Mora, Timothy Fileman, Thomas Vance Environmental Impact of Ships

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
A comprehensive and global review of the impact of ships on the environment, written by a team of international authors. Topics include pollutant discharges, non-pollutant impacts and international legislation. It is ideal for advanced students, researchers of environmental science, practitioners of...
18 876 ₽
Global Health: Ethical Challenges
изд. 2020

Solomon Benatar, Gillian Brock Global Health: Ethical Challenges

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Offering analysis of and recommendations for addressing global health, this book contributes to solving one of humanity`s most important challenges. It includes perspectives from a range of disciplines, as well as ethical and environmental considerations, making it a key resource for bioethicists, p...
10 466 ₽
Delivering Health: Midwifery and Development in Mexico
изд. 2020

Dixon Lydia Z. Delivering Health: Midwifery and Development in Mexico

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Profiles the voices of those who fight against inequalities of care even while they form alliances with the systems that perpetuate them. Lydia Dixon`s ethnography spans seventeen years of work with Mexican midwives, witnessing their difficult and sometimes messy project of integrating themselves in...
15 007 ₽
For the public good
изд. 2020

Antoniello, Patricia For the public good

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Details the role of the Comprehensive Rural Health Project, a groundbreaking, internationally recognised primary health care model that uses local solutions to solve intractable global health problems. Emphasizing equity and community participation, this grassroots approach recruits local women to b...
5 248 ₽
Whose health is it, anyway'
изд. 2020

Davies, Sally (master, Master, Trinity College Cambridge, Uk) Pearson-stuttard, Jonathan (wellcome Trust Clinical Research Fellow, Wellcome Trust Clin Whose health is it, anyway'

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Whose Health Is It, Anyway' outlines why health is truly our most untapped opportunity for prosperity and happiness in the 21st century, individually and jointly as whole nations.
4 460 ₽
Non-Exhaust Emissions
изд. 2018

Amato, Fulvio Non-Exhaust Emissions

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
Non-Exhaust Emissions: An Urban Air Quality Problem for Public Health comprehensively summarizes the most recent research in the field, also giving guidance on research gaps and future needs to evaluate the health impact and possible remediation of non-exhaust particle emissions. With contributions ...
11 682 ₽
Clinical Paediatric Dietetics
изд. 2020

Vanessa Shaw / Ванесса Шоу Clinical Paediatric Dietetics

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020

Clinical Paediatric Dietetics, Fifth Edition continues to provide a very practical approach to dietary management of children with an extensive range of disorders. Thoroughly revised to reflect the most recent scientific and medical literature, this new edition proves to be an indispensable guide for...

15 040 ₽
Oxford handbook of nutrition and dietetics 3e
изд. 2020

Webster-Gandy, Joan. / Джоан Уэбстер-Ганди Oxford handbook of nutrition and dietetics 3e

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Fully updated, the Oxford Handbook of Nutrition and Dietetics, third edition is a practical quick-reference guide to nutrition in the prevention and treatment of disease and the maintenance of good health.
6 176 ₽
Minerals in Animal and Human Nutrition, 2nd Edition
изд. 2003

McDowell Minerals in Animal and Human Nutrition, 2nd Edition

  • ENG
  • изд. 2003
Provides information on mineral nutrition for livestock and poultry, as well as comparative aspects with laboratory animals and humans. This book describes the practical implications of mineral deficiencies and excesses, and of the conditions that might result. It also places emphasis on mineral sup...
22 447 ₽
Lifestyle in Heart Health and Disease
изд. 2018

Watson, Ronald Lifestyle in Heart Health and Disease

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018

Lifestyle and Heart Health and Disease provides a comprehensive evaluation of lifestyle factors that modify heart function and structure. It includes coverage of a wide range of lifestyle factors, including physical activity, alcohol, tobacco, drugs of abuse, nutrition and psychosocial factors. The ...

21 916 ₽
Gut Microbiota
изд. 2018

Ishiguro, Edward Gut Microbiota

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018

Gut Microbiota: Interactive Effects on Nutrition and Health focuses on the fascinating intestinal microbiome as it relates to nutrition. The book covers the core science in the microbiome field and draws links between the microbiome and nutrition in medicine. Reflecting the most current state of evidence...

11 682 ₽
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