ISBN: 9781975136628
Код товара 97925
BRS Pathology
ISBN: 9781975136628
Код товара 97925
Mary Elizabeth Peyton Gupta
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Тип обложки
170 x 109 x 15
Год издания
Вес (г)
Кол-во страниц
О чём книга?
This powerful, easy-to-use resource presents the essentials of pathology in the popular Board Review Series outline format that highlights the most tested topics for the USMLE Step 1. Packed with new content; high-yield topics; concise descriptions; more than 450 USMLE-style questions with complete answers and explanations; and full-color illustrations, photomicrographs, and radiologic images, BRS Pathology, Sixth Edition, provides everything needed for course success and board exam prep.
- An easy-to-scan outline format with bolded key terms and summary tables enables concise review and exam preparation.
- Chapter-ending exams focus on high-yield, clinical content.
- An end-of-book Comprehensive Exam helps students gauge their mastery of key topics.
- New cross-references in the answers to the Comprehensive Exam use an outline format (section number/letter) to facilitate efficient study and easy linking in all formats.
- Many new full-color photomicrographsand schematic illustration provide visual learning and review.
- Key topic icons help students quickly locate important content.
- An online interactive question bank features all the questions from the book for anytime, anywhere test preparation and review.
- eBook available for purchase. Fast, smart, and convenient, today’s eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and more
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