Holland and Brews Manual of Obstetrics 4e,

ISBN: 9788131242407
Код товара 159679


Holland and Brews Manual of Obstetrics 4e,

Holland and Brews Manual of Obstetrics 4e,

ISBN: 9788131242407
Код товара 159679

7608 ₽  5 326 ₽

В наличии: 2 шт.

  • Автор


  • Издатель

    Elsevier India

  • Тип обложки


  • Размеры

    175 x 246 x 21

  • Год издания


  • Вес (г)


  • ISBN


  • Кол-во страниц


О чём книга?

This book is based on the classic 'Holland and Brews Manual of Obstetrics'. The fourth edition is comprehensive with clear concepts, concrete up-to-date knowledge and student friendly one stop obstetrics textbook . Basic principles, investigations, management options as well as the recent advances have all been explained in a simple and systematic manner.

The information given is evidence based and as per international guidelines and management protocols. Salient Features Every chapter has been thoroughly revised and updated with recent advances in Obstetrics The book has been made comprehensive with addition of new content, algorithms, figures, drug regimens and tables Several new chapters, Decision Making in Obstetrics, Management of Post-caesarean Pregnancy, Obstetric History Taking, Obstetric Examination, Labour Care - Ready Reckoner added Chapters on Specimens and Instruments in Obstetrics have been added to aid students to prepare for viva voce The format is modified to help not only students in obstetrics but also the practicing obstetricians Points to Remember added with each chapter highlighting important information

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