Neuroimmune Interactions in Pain

ISBN: 9783031292309
Код товара 159565


Neuroimmune Interactions in Pain

Neuroimmune Interactions in Pain

ISBN: 9783031292309
Код товара 159565

27 950 ₽

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О чём книга?

As lifespans increase, more people around the world find themselves victims of chronic pain. In spite of this, treatment options continue to be severely limited. Anti-inflammatory drugs can only do so much, while painkillers like opioids have led to crippling addictions and fatal overdoses. The subject of the book is the role of immune cells, including glial cells, and neuroimmune interactions in chronic pain. The book begins by examining the preclinical and clinical evidence supporting the involvement of non-neuronal cells in chronic pain. It discusses the interactions between non-neuronal cells and neurons in the regulation of chronic pain. It then presents the implications of these findings, including promising and emerging treatments such as specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs, such as resolvins and protectins), immune cell therapy, and complementary and alternative medicine, as well as neuromodulation and regenerative medicine, which may prove to be the turning point for hundreds of millions of patients world-wide who struggle to escape from the shadow of chronic pain. The book presents ground-breaking research that will alter current perspectives on chronic pain.

Introduction to Acute, Chronic, and Episodic Pain.- Inflammation and Pain.- Animal Models of Pain and Anti-inflammatory Treatments.- Inflammatory Mediators, Nociceptors, and Their Interactions in Pain.- Immune and Glial Cells in Pain and Their Interaction
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