ISBN: 9789811698385
Код товара 155177
Climate Change and Livestock Production: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

ISBN: 9789811698385
Код товара 155177
Тип обложки
Soft cover
235 x 155
Год издания
Вес (г)
Кол-во страниц
О чём книга?
This book describes the importance of sustainable livestock production from a food security perspective in the changing climate scenario. It covers the amelioration of climate change impacts and describes the various mitigation strategies to reduce enteric methane emissions. The book targets sustainable livestock production by covering diverse concepts of amelioration, mitigation, and policy up-gradation. Further, it examines various adverse impacts of climate change on growth, meat, milk, and reproduction in livestock. Most importantly, the book covers novel aspects of quantifying heat stress response of livestock based on non-invasive methodologies, including infrared thermal imaging, sensor-based applications, hair, urine, and fecal cortisol estimation. Particular emphasis was given to describing the skin-based novel approaches to establish climate resilience in indigenous breeds. The book provides detailed descriptions of alleviating climate change impacts on shelter management, nutritional interventions, and genetics-based strategies involving advanced genomic tools. Lastly, it highlights the livestock species which could be considered ideal climate-resilient animal models to withstand the adversities associated with climate change.
Chapter 1_Impact of climate change on animal production and welfare. -Chapter 2_Livestock meat production from climate change perspectives. -Chapter 3_Livestock meat production from climate change perspectives. -Chapter 4_Adaptation of cattle to heat stre
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