Promoting the Health of the Community: Community Health Workers Describing Their Roles, Competencies, and Practice

ISBN: 9783030563776
Код товара 150446

St John Julie Ann, Mayfield-Johnson Susan L., Hernбndez-Gordon Wandy D.

Promoting the Health of the Community: Community Health Workers Describing Their Roles, Competencies, and Practice

Promoting the Health of the Community: Community Health Workers Describing Their Roles, Competencies, and Practice

ISBN: 9783030563776
Код товара 150446

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  • Автор

    St John Julie Ann, Mayfield-Johnson Susan L., Hernбndez-Gordon Wandy D.

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  • Размеры

    23.39 x 15.60 x 2.39 cm

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О чём книга?

Chapter 1: Introduction (Authors: Julie St. John, Wandy Hernandez, Susan Mayfield-Johnson, Lee Rosenthal, Carl Rush) a. Introduction to CHW book and purpose (Authors: Julie St. John, Wandy Hernandez, Susan Mayfield-Johnson) b. Results from national CHW survey (Authors: Julie St. John, Susan Mayfield-Johnson, Danielle Fastring) c. C3 scope and purpose (Authors: Lee Rosenthal, Carl Rush, Julie St. John) d. Description of book contents and authorship (Authors: Julie St. John, Wandy Hernandez, Susan Mayfield-Johnson)
Abstract: This introductory chapter accomplishes three tasks. First, the chapter describes the book purpose and content. This includes why the editors compiled the book, how the design and context developed, a description of the book layout and format, and the rationale for having CHW teams (comprised of CHWs, instructors/trainers, stakeholders/allies, supervisors, employers, and clients/communities) write the chapters on CHW roles and scope of work.
Second, the book summarizes the scope and purpose of The Community Health Worker (CHW) Core Consensus (C3) Project, along with a description of the outcomes of the C3 project and the national scope and impact of the C3 project on the CHW workforce. Third, the book describes the national CHW survey conducted to inform the development of the book, as well as summarize the data and results from the survey.
Chapter 2: Cultural Mediation among Individuals, Communities, and Health and Social Service Systems
Abstract: In this chapter, a CHW shares his/her personal testimony and perspective of how he/she provided cultural mediation for his/her clients, community, and local healthcare and social service entities. The CHW describes specific examples of successful activities involving cultural mediation, the CHW's experience of challenges he/she faced in providing cultural mediation, and lessons learned/best practices for providing cultural mediation for the population served. Additionally, other members of the CHW team share their personal experiences related to the CHW's role in conducting cultural mediation and serving as change agents in their respective communities.
Chapter 3: Culturally Appropriate Health Education and Information
Abstract: In this chapter, a CHW shares his/her personal testimony and perspective of how he/she provided culturally appropriate health education and information for his/her clients. The CHW describes specific examples of successful activities involving culturally appropriate health education and information, the CHW's experience of challenges he/she faced in providing culturally appropriate health education and information, and lessons learned/best practices for providing culturally appropriate health education and information for the population served. Additionally, other members of the CHW team share their personal experiences related to the CHW's role in providing culturally appropriate health education and information and serving as change agents in their respective communities.
Chapter 4: Care Coordination, Case Management, and System Navigation
Abstract: In this chapter, a CHW shares his/her personal testimony and perspective of how he/she provided care coordination, case management, and system navigation for his/her clients. The CHW describes specific examples of successful activities involving care coordination, case management, and system navigation, the CHW's experience of challenges he/she faced in providing care coordination, case management, and system navigation, and lessons learned/best practices for providing care coordination, case management, and system navigation. Additiona

Chapter 1: Introduction (Authors: Julie St. John, Wandy Hernandez, Susan Mayfield-Johnson, Lee Rosenthal, Carl Rush).- Chapter 2: Cultural Mediation among Individuals, Communities, and Health and Social Service Systems.- Chapter 3: Culturally Appropriate
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