ISBN: 9789811609862
Код товара 148942
Essentials of Laboratory Animal Science: Principles and Practices

ISBN: 9789811609862
Код товара 148942
Nagarajan P., Gudde Ramachandra, Srinivasan Ramesh
Тип обложки
23.39 x 15.60 x 4.29 cm
Год издания
Вес (г)
Кол-во страниц
О чём книга?
Chapter 1. Introduction to Laboratory Animal Medicine. -Chapter 2. Policies, Principles and regulations Governing the Care and Use of Animal in India. -Chapter 3. Ethics and Animal welfare. -Chapter 4. Designing of Lab animal facilities. -Chapter 5. Quality control of Laboratory animals. -Chapter 6. Biostatistics and design of experiments in Laboratory animal science. -Chapter 7. Alternatives to animal models. -Chapter 8. Anatomy, Physiology and husbandry - Mice and Rat. -Chapter 9. Anatomy, Physiology and Husbandry - Rabbits and Guinea Pigs. -Chapter 10. Genetics and Breeding of Laboratory animals. -Chapter 11. Nutrition and feeding in Laboratory animals. -Chapter 12. Microbiology and infectious diseases of Laboratory animals. -Chapter 13. Pathology of infectious and non-infectious diseases affecting Laboratory animals. -Chapter 14. Behaviour of laboratory animals. -Chapter 15. Drug administration and collection of blood in rodents and rabbits. -Chapter 16. Clinical examination of Rodents and Rabbits. -Chapter 17. Anaesthesia, Analgesia and euthanasia in Rodents and Rabbits. -Chapter 18. Techniques of animal experimentation: Surgical animal models and Non-invasive techniques. -Chapter 19. Bio safety consideration in Lab animal facilities and working on infectious agents. -Chapter 20. Histology, Systemic Dissection and Necropsy Techniques, organ collection in Laboratory animals. -Chapter 21. Occupational health hazards and disaster management in lab animal facility. -Chapter 22. Imaging modalities for preclinical research. -Chapter 23. Efficacy studies pathology scoring and digital image analysis of histopathology Images.
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