ISBN: 9783319955902
Код товара 143850
The Kock Pouch
ISBN: 9783319955902
Код товара 143850
Тип обложки
243 x 161 x 17
Год издания
Вес (г)
Кол-во страниц
О чём книга?
This book is about the recently revived technique of Kock pouch in inflammatory bowel disease. It discusses the Kock pouch as an alternative to patients not suitable for a pelvic pouch or where the pelvic pouch has failed. It provides clinicians with all the necessary information on patient guidance and surgical revisions after a long life with a Kock pouch. The reader will learn about the development of the pouch, pre and post-operative strategies, surveillance, complications and the limitations and weaknesses of the method. New pioneering experimental methods used by the authors are also discussed. The use of ileorectal anastomosis and Kock’s continent ileostomy has regained interest as the long term problems of the pelvic pouch have and this book brings the knowledge and valuable experiences of a few experts at international centres to a large audience. This is an indispensable guide for colorectal surgeons, gastroenterologists and stoma therapists involved in the care of patients with inflammatory bowel disease wherecolectomy is still needed, either in an emergency setting or due to dysplasia or cancer.
History of the pouch.-Preclinical studies.-Development.-Indications.-Contraindications.-Patient information.-Techniques .-Converting a pelvic pouch to a Kock pouch.-The Kock pouch as a pelvic pouch.-Pre-, per- and post-operative strategy.-Postoperative ca
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