ISBN: 9781264855100
Код товара 139705
First aid for the usmle step 2 ck, eleventh edition

ISBN: 9781264855100
Код товара 139705
Le, Tao Bhushan, Vikas Griffin, Daniel Boushra, Ma / Тао Ли
Тип обложки
162 x 237 x 29
Год издания
Вес (г)
Кол-во страниц
О чём книга?
The most comprehensive and up-to-date high-yield review available for the USMLE (R) Step 2 CK-completely revised and better than ever!The expert author team that guided students to success on the USMLE (R) Step 1 presents the latest edition of this skill-sharpening review for the USMLE (R) Step 2 CK. With an easy-to-follow bulleted presentation of must-know diseases and disorders, this one-of-a-kind study companion offers the most current overview of all core areas on the boards. Included is a host of learning tools, from key facts and mnemonics to full-color illustrations and proven test-taking strategies everything students need to pass the exam with flying colors.
* Co-written by students who excelled on the recent exam and reviewed by top faculty* Concise summaries of more than 1,000 commonly tested clinical topics for fast, high-yield study* Key Facts and mnemonics reinforce must-know concepts* Expert coverage of best initial steps in diagnosis and management * Updated Rapid Review section facilitates last-minute cramming* Hundreds of full-color photographs and illustrations* Revised study and test-taking strategies* A completely updated listing of top-rated review sources
* Co-written by students who excelled on the recent exam and reviewed by top faculty* Concise summaries of more than 1,000 commonly tested clinical topics for fast, high-yield study* Key Facts and mnemonics reinforce must-know concepts* Expert coverage of best initial steps in diagnosis and management * Updated Rapid Review section facilitates last-minute cramming* Hundreds of full-color photographs and illustrations* Revised study and test-taking strategies* A completely updated listing of top-rated review sources
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