ISBN: 9780323938372
Код товара 139562
Ruminant diagnostics and interpretation, an issue of veterinary clinics of north america: food animal practice
ISBN: 9780323938372
Код товара 139562
12 820 ₽
Доставка под заказ
Posnick, Jeffrey C.
Elsevier Science
Тип обложки
159 x 239 x 18
Год издания
Вес (г)
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О чём книга?
Kidnapped OR Rescued Opportunity OR Trap Lies OR Truth Love OR Lust Stay OR Go Victoria`s captives refused to talk face to face and only communicated with a grey notebook passed through the wall. She was treated better than she had been her entire life, and Victoria needed that more than anyone could know. Would she be able to trust enough to take this opportunity and continue this lavish life or chose to leave it all behind, keeping her sanity and self-worth intact' Fighting melancholy, Sabastian needed something new and becoming a part-owner of the lucrative company that is Eximius, was his way out of his stupor. However, the ethereal creature that was Victoria, completely stumped him as she continues to break his unwavering self-control. If he cannot get through this simple task, he would lose everything, but that may be a sacrifice he is willing to make, to be able to keep Victoria for himself. Sabastian finds himself falling in love, in a place where love is forbidden. Will she be the key to a better life or would she be the cause of Sabastian`s downfall' Or will the decision be taken away from him indefinitely'
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