ISBN: 9780128179789
Код товара 128793
Atlas Of Deformed And Metamorphosed Rocks From Proterozoic Orogens

ISBN: 9780128179789
Код товара 128793
Chetty, T.R.K.
Elsevier Science
Тип обложки
215 x 276 x 29
Год издания
Вес (г)
Кол-во страниц
О чём книга?
Atlas of Deformed and Metamorphosed Rocks from Proterozoic Orogens is a richly illustrated reference book featuring over 660 full-color field images of a range of lithologies from some Proterozoic terrains that were subjected to multiple events of magmatism, deformation, metamorphism, and metasomatism. The Atlas focuses on amphibolite to granulite facies lithologies and associated ma'c-ultrama'c rocks from Proterozoic orogens of India, Sri Lanka, Botswana, South Africa, East Antarctica, and Western Australia. Each chapter in the book begins with a brief review of geology, including deformation and metamorphic history, along with a regional geological map to help readers to visualize the 'eld observations in the relevant geological context. Each image is accompanied by a concise description providing location, lithology, structural fabric, possible deformational history, metamorphic features, partial melting, metasomatism, and other important crustal processes. This Atlas is an important source of information for a broad range of earth scientists, graduate and undergraduate students, researchers, academicians, and other professionals. This book will form a great treasure to those geoscientists who never had an opportunity to visit any of the Proterozoic orogenic belts.
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