General Anatomy with systemic Anatomy

ISBN: 9788131234631
Код товара 127547

Singh, Vishram

General Anatomy with systemic Anatomy

General Anatomy with systemic Anatomy

ISBN: 9788131234631
Код товара 127547

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  • Автор

    Singh, Vishram

  • Издатель

    Elsevier Science

  • Тип обложки


  • Год издания


  • Вес (г)


  • ISBN


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О чём книга?

The Second Edition of this book is updated in accordance with the syllabus of Anatomy recommended by the Medical Council of India. It covers in detail fundamentals of human anatomy and builds understanding of structures, their relations and functions within the complex human body. Following recent trends of anatomy education, the book in addition to basic information provides knowledge on anatomical, embryological, histological and genetic basis of clinical conditions through its feature - Clinical Correlation. Written in simple and easy-to-understand language, this profusely illustrated book provides knowledge of anatomy without extraneous details - ideal for undergraduate medical and dental students. It is highly recommended for those preparing for various entrance examinations, like PG entrance, USMLE, PLAB, etc. Detailed exposition on basic principles of anatomical structures, and relationships and functions of these structures within the human body Chapters on skin, superficial fascia and deep fascia, skeleton, muscular system, cardiovascular system, radiological (imaging) anatomy and genetics have been revised thoroughly Clinical Correlations integrated in the text, highlighting practical application of anatomical facts, have been modified extensively Addition of new line diagrams and improvement in earlier diagrams Addition of halftone figures to enrich the understanding of clinical correlations Inclusion of new tables and flowcharts and revision in earlier tables Additional information of higher academic value presented in a simple way in N.B. to make it more interesting for readers, especially aspiring postgraduates Important facts useful for candidates appearing in various entrance examinations like PGME, USMLE, PLAB, listed under Golden Facts to RememberMultiple Choice Questions at the end of the book for self-assessment.

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