ISBN: 9783132417021
Код товара 126654
Science of Synthesis: Photocatalysis in Organic Synthesis
ISBN: 9783132417021
Код товара 126654
Burkhard Konig
Thieme Verlagsgruppe
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Вес (г)
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О чём книга?
The field of photocatalysis has developed rapidly over the last decade and it is time to clarify its impact on organic synthesis. This volume is an opportunity to provide the defining and current reference work for this field. A primary objective is to collect together the most useful, practical, and reliable methods for photocatalysis and to introduce them to a larger audience. The fundamental concepts of photophysics are introduduced and laboratory set-ups are described, enabling newcomers to the field to instantly apply these new tools in synthesis. Rather than aiming for comprehensive coverage, solutions for challenging transformations in synthesis applying visible light and suitable dyes are presented. A team of pioneers and leaders in the field has been assembled, who discuss both the practical and conceptual aspects of this rapidly growing field. Scope, limitations, and mechanism of the reactions are covered and key experimental procedures are included.
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