ISBN: 9780702044823
Код товара 125492
Kirk's General Surgical Operations, IE, 6 Ed
ISBN: 9780702044823
Код товара 125492
Richard Novell, Daryll Baker, Nicholas Goddard
Elsevier Science
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О чём книга?
General Surgical Operations is a highly-praised and comprehensive textbook of operative surgery. It is a practical manual aimed at the surgeon who is about to carry out an operation, rather than just a description of the principles suitable for an examiner. Kirk's General Surgical Operations continues to be aimed at a broad readership: the candidate preparing for the Intercollegiate FRCS in General Surgery or international equivalents; the trained surgeon faced, through necessity, with undertaking an infrequently performed procedure; and the many surgeons working in hospitals throughout the world without access to specialist services.
It remains above all a practical text which will guide the surgeon in training, or one unfamiliar with a procedure, on how to perform it, but more importantly on how to manage the uncertainties which so often arise This is a 'What to do' book. Using it the reader can aspire to gain diagnostic, decision making and operative surgical competence with confidence.
It remains above all a practical text which will guide the surgeon in training, or one unfamiliar with a procedure, on how to perform it, but more importantly on how to manage the uncertainties which so often arise This is a 'What to do' book. Using it the reader can aspire to gain diagnostic, decision making and operative surgical competence with confidence.
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