The Rise of Yeast

ISBN: 9780198749707
Код товара 112633

Money, Nicholas P.

The Rise of Yeast

The Rise of Yeast

ISBN: 9780198749707
Код товара 112633

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  • Автор

    Money, Nicholas P.

  • Издатель

    Oxford Academ

  • Тип обложки


  • Размеры

    185 x 155 x 22

  • Год издания


  • Вес (г)


  • ISBN


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О чём книга?

Yeast is humankind`s favourite microbe, our partner in brewing, baking, and winemaking. Nicholas P. Money tells the story of this 10,000-year-long marriage, looking at how yeast served as a major factor in the development of civilization, celebrating its importance, and considering its future roles in molecular biology and genetic engineering.

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