ISBN: 9780128168639
Код товара 112356
Introduction to Addiction
ISBN: 9780128168639
Код товара 112356
Koob, George
Elsevier Science
Тип обложки
228 x 235 x 16
Год издания
Вес (г)
Кол-во страниц
О чём книга?
A current survey and synthesis of the most important findings in our understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms of addiction is detailed in our Neurobiology of Addiction series, each volume addressing a specific area of addiction. Introduction to Neurobiology of Addiction, Volume 1 in the series, introduces the reader to the study of neurobiology of addiction by clearly defining addiction and the neuroadaptational views of addiction. This volume includes thorough descriptions of the various animal models applicable to the study of addiction, including: Animal Models of the Binge-Intoxication Stage of the Addiction Cycle and Animal Models of Vulnerability to Addiction. The authors also include a section on numerous neurobiological theories that aid in the understanding of addiction, including dopamine, prefrontal cortex and relapse.
- Provides neurobiological theories of how addiction works
- Explains addiction cycle stages of binge, withdrawal, and anticipation
- Reviews the role of dopamine and the frontal cortex in addiction
- Discusses the neurocircuitry of reward and stress
- Includes animal models and neuroadaptational views of addiction
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