Ветеринарная медицина: Крупные животные 85 книг
Color Atlas of Equine Pathology
изд. 2013

Buergelt Claus D Color Atlas of Equine Pathology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2013
Color Atlas of Equine Pathology offers a practical guide to identifying equine diseases, presenting a single resource with more than 1000 images showing predominantly gross pathology. Organized by body systems, the book allows for picture matching during or after an equine necropsy.
21 534 ₽
Equine Clinical Immunology
изд. 2015

M. Julia B. Felippe Equine Clinical Immunology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2015
Equine Clinical Immunology offers comprehensive information on equine immunological disorders.
20 109 ₽
Diseases of the Goat
изд. 2016

Matthews John G. Diseases of the Goat

  • ENG
  • изд. 2016
Diseases of the Goat, 4th Edition, is a revised and updated edition of the popular tool for veterinarians featuring of all aspects of goat medicine from initial assessment and examination to diagnosis, treatment, and control of conditions.
7 754 ₽
Equine Wound Management 3e
изд. 2016

Theoret Equine Wound Management 3e

  • ENG
  • изд. 2016
Now in its third edition, Equine Wound Management is the authoritative resource for both theoretical and practical information on the care of wounds in horses.
26 762 ₽
Equine Laminitis
изд. 2017

Belknap Equine Laminitis

  • ENG
  • изд. 2017
The first book dedicated to this common, serious, and complex equine disease, Equine Laminitis is the gold-standard reference to the latest information on every aspect of the disease and its treatment.
21 534 ₽
The Equine Acute Abdomen
изд. 2017

Anthony T. Blikslager, Nathaniel A. White, James M The Equine Acute Abdomen

  • ENG
  • изд. 2017
Written and edited by leading experts on equine digestive diseases, The Equine Acute Abdomen, Third Editionis the preeminent text on diagnosing and treating acute abdominal diseases in horses, donkeys, and mules.
30 088 ₽
Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Ruminant
изд. 2017

Christopher Chase, Kaitlyn Lutz, Erica McKenzie, A Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Ruminant

  • ENG
  • изд. 2017
Blackwell`s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Ruminant, Second Edition keeps practitioners completely current with the latest in disease management for ruminants and camelids.
24 861 ₽
Manual of Clinical Procedures in the Horse
изд. 2017

Lais R. Costa, Mary Rose Paradis Manual of Clinical Procedures in the Horse

  • ENG
  • изд. 2017
Manual of Clinical Procedures in the Horse is a detailed step-by-step guide to clinical skills in equine practice.
16 782 ₽
Equine Color Genetics
изд. 2017

D. Phillip Sponenberg, Rebecca Bellone Equine Color Genetics

  • ENG
  • изд. 2017
Equine Color Genetics, Fourth Edition presents a detailed examination of the color variation in horses and donkeys and the genetic mechanisms that produce color variations.
14 882 ₽
Equine Ophthalmology, An Issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice,33-3
изд. 2018

Lassaline, Mary Equine Ophthalmology, An Issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice,33-3

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
This issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice is edited by Dr. Mary Lassaline and focuses on Equine Ophthalmology. Article topics include: Anatomy and Examination; Imaging; Eyelid; Cornea; Uveitis; Lens; Retina with emphasis on electrodiagnostics; Medications Update; Neuro-oph; ...
11 156 ₽
Interpretation of equine laboratory diagnostics
изд. 2017

Higgins, Jill Interpretation of equine laboratory diagnostics

  • ENG
  • изд. 2017
Interpretation of Equine Laboratory Diagnostics offers a comprehensive approach to equine laboratory diagnostics, including hematology, clinical chemistry, serology, body fluid analysis, microbiology, clinical parasitology, endocrinology, immunology, and molecular diagnostics.
16 782 ₽
Digestive Disorders in Ruminants, An Issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice,34-1
изд. 2018

Callan, Robert J. Digestive Disorders in Ruminants, An Issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice,34-1

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
Emphasizing the need for urgency, this work assesses the challenges and provides concrete policy recommendations that can be taken by Africa`s leaders and citizens in the key areas to reset their economic trajectory, achieve their desired convergence, and meet the aspirations of their people. The po...
12 219 ₽
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