Нейрохирургия 352 книги
Surgical anatomy of the lateral transpsoas approach to the lumbar spine
изд. 2020

Tubbs, R. Shane Surgical anatomy of the lateral transpsoas approach to the lumbar spine

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Designed for use by pre- and in-service music teachers, Music Learning Today: Digital Pedagogy for Creating, Performing, and Responding to Music presents an approach to conceptualizing and utilizing technology as a tool for music learning. This updated second edition features up-to-date discussions ...
15 672 ₽
Neuromodulation, an issue of neurosurgery clinics of north america
изд. 2019

Lake, Wendell B, Md Sharan, Ashwini Wu, Chengyuan, Md, Msbme Neuromodulation, an issue of neurosurgery clinics of north america

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
This timely book links the explosion of conspiracy theories about the U.S. government in recent years to the revelations of real government conspiracies. It traces anti-government theories from the birth of the modern state in World War I to the current war on terror. This 10th Anniversary Edition i...
16 735 ₽
Navigation and Robotics in Spine Surgery
изд. 2019

Vaccaro Alexander R. Navigation and Robotics in Spine Surgery

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019

A unique how-to guide for spine surgeons on state-of-the-art computer-assisted navigation and robotic surgery techniques

The past decade has seen major advances in image-guided spine surgery techniques, with robotically assisted approaches emerging in the last five years. While early adopters of this...

22 296 ₽
Pituitary adenoma, an issue of neurosurgery clinics of north america
изд. 2019

Pituitary adenoma, an issue of neurosurgery clinics of north america

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
Barry Eichengreen presents a new analysis of the Depression by exploring the link between global economic crisis and the the gold standard (the framework for international monetary affairs until 1931). The events described had a profound effect upon twentieth-century history: the Depression abetted ...
16 735 ₽
Comprehensive Neurosurgery Board Review
изд. 2019

Jonathan Stuart Citow, R. Loch Macdonald, Daniel R Comprehensive Neurosurgery Board Review

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
The quintessential neurosurgical text review for acing the ABNS written exam! Since its publication nearly 20 years ago, Comprehensive Neurosurgery Board Review has garnered legendary status as the leading high-yield review for neurosurgical residents preparing for the American Board of Neurologica...
23 947 ₽
Oxford Textbook of Neuroscience and Anaesthesiology
изд. 2019

Mashour George Oxford Textbook of Neuroscience and Anaesthesiology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
The Oxford Textbook in Neuroscience and Anaesthesiology addresses all aspects of neuroanaesthesiology. Edited by an international team of experts this textbook reflects world-wide practice.
19 800 ₽
Functional Neurosurgery
изд. 2019

Raslan Ahmed Functional Neurosurgery

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
Part of the Neurosurgery by Example series, this volume on functional neurosurgery presents exemplary cases in which renowned authors guide readers through the assessment and planning, decision making, surgical procedure, after care, and complication management of common and uncommon
disorders. The cases...
14 573 ₽
Microsurgical Basics and Bypass Techniques
изд. 2020

Evgenii Belykh, Nikolay L. Martirosyan / Евгений Белых Microsurgical Basics and Bypass Techniques

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
A step-by-step manual on fundamental microsurgical bypass techniques young neurosurgeons need to master!All neurosurgeons must undergo rigorous training in the laboratory and practice bypass techniques repetitively before performing microneurosurgery on a patient. Microsurgical Basics and Bypass Techniques...
14 863 ₽
Brain Mapping: Indications and Techniques
изд. 2020

Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa Brain Mapping: Indications and Techniques

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020

Comprehensive resource features state-of-the-art brain mapping techniques and pearls from international recognized neurosurgeons Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa and Kaisorn Chaichana and coeditor Deependra Mahato

Despite advances in imaging techniques to identify eloquent cortical brain regions and subcortical...

22 296 ₽
Cost-Effective Evaluation and Management of Cranial Neuropathy
изд. 2019

Seilesh C. Babu, Neal Jackson Cost-Effective Evaluation and Management of Cranial Neuropathy

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019

A unique guide to managing cranial neuropathy cost effectively--from diagnosis to treatment

Cranial neuropathy can be a symptom of a devastating, life-threatening condition or a benign disease with spontaneous full recovery in a majority of patients. While testing options are available, they can be ...

14 863 ₽
Controversies in Skull Base Surgery
изд. 2019

Andrew Little Controversies in Skull Base Surgery

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
State-of-the-art approaches and insightful discussions on challenging topics in skull base surgery Advances in endoscopic, microsurgical, radiosurgical, and pharmacotherapeutic strategies have revolutionized the treatment of skull base pathologies. Controversies in Skull Base Surgery , edited by An...
29 728 ₽
Sagittal Balance of the Spine
изд. 2019

Pierre Roussouly Sagittal Balance of the Spine

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
Unique resource from internationally renowned experts details the key role of sagittal spine balance Through evolution, human verticality became associated with a wide range of normal pelvic shapes and associated pelvic incidence angles (PIs). While all types of sagittal alignment generally provide...
20 644 ₽
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