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Медицина: общие вопросы
Медицина с ориентацией на окружающую среду 243 книги
изд. 2019
Mosquitoes, communities, and public health in texas
- изд. 2019
The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a classic childhood character which is not only fun and engaging but educational too! The Large Hungry Caterpillar is the perfect present for newborns upwards and works wonders as a gift on its own or when given together with Eric Carle`s international best-selling lit...
11 549 ₽
изд. 2014
Ladou Current Occupational And Environmental Medicine
- изд. 2014
Offers diagnosis and treatment of common occupational and environmental injuries and diseases. This book includes chapters on how to conduct an occupational and environmental medical history, examine the patient, evaluate exposures, and prevent further injury and illness.
9 662 ₽
изд. 2013
Jeremy Farrar Manson's Tropical Diseases, 23 ed
- изд. 2013
From the difficult to diagnose to the difficult to treat, this book prepares you to handle whatever your patients may have contracted. Featuring an internationally recognized editorial team, global contributors, and expert authors, it provides you with the advanced coverage on parasitic and infecti...
20 794 ₽
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