Гастроэнтерология 259 книг
Pediatric Gastrointestinal And Liver Disease. 6 ed
изд. 2020

Wyllie, Robert / Роберт Уилли Pediatric Gastrointestinal And Liver Disease. 6 ed

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020

Now with full-color illustrations throughout, dozens of new review questions, and state-of-the-art coverage of this fast-changing area, Pediatric Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease, 6th Edition, remains the leading text in the field. You'll find definitive guidance on diagnosis and treatment from...

37 053 ₽
изд. 2020

Groher, Michael E. Dysphagia

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020

Master the evaluation and treatment of swallowing disorders Dysphagia: Clinical Management in Adults and Children, 3rd Edition provides the information you need to diagnose and manage dysphagia in patients of all ages. Emphasizing evidence-based practice, this complete resource covers topics from esophageal...

14 315 ₽
Colorectal Cancer Screening An Issue Of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics,30-3
изд. 2020

Rex, Douglas K. Colorectal Cancer Screening An Issue Of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics,30-3

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Together with Consulting Editor, Dr. Charles Lightdale, Dr. Doug Rex has put together an issue of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics that provides state-of-the-art clinical coverage of colorectal screening. Expert authors from all over the world have contributed clinical reviews that will be a staple...
13 281 ₽
Consultations In Liver Disease,An Issue Of Clinics In Liver Disease,24-3
изд. 2020

Flamm, Steven L. Consultations In Liver Disease,An Issue Of Clinics In Liver Disease,24-3

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
In collaboration with Consulting Editor, Dr. Norman Gitlin, Dr. Steven Flamm has put together another great update for the hepatology consult. Articles are submitted by expert author and in the format of the clinical review article, provide timely data for diagnosis and treatment. Specific areas add...
11 687 ₽
Sleisenger And Fordtran'S Gastrointestinal And Liver Disease- 2 Volume Set
изд. 2020

Feldman, Mark Sleisenger And Fordtran'S Gastrointestinal And Liver Disease- 2 Volume Set

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020

For nearly 50 years, Sleisenger & Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease has been the go-to reference for gastroenterology and hepatology residents, fellows, physicians, and the entire GI caregiving team. Now in a fully revised 11th Edition, this two-volume masterwork brings together the...

47 833 ₽
Infections Of The Liver And Biliary System,An Issue Of Gastroenterology Clinics Of North America,49-2
изд. 2020

Reddy, Rajender Infections Of The Liver And Biliary System,An Issue Of Gastroenterology Clinics Of North America,49-2

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Infections of the liver and biliary system are not uncommon, while most of the infections are viral in nature. Globally, viral hepatitis is a major public health problem and parallels infections such as HIV and tuberculosis and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Rapid advances h...
11 687 ₽
Management Of Gerd, An Issue Of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics,30-2
изд. 2020

Chang, Kenneth J. Management Of Gerd, An Issue Of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics,30-2

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Designed for use by pre- and in-service music teachers, Music Learning Today: Digital Pedagogy for Creating, Performing, and Responding to Music presents an approach to conceptualizing and utilizing technology as a tool for music learning. This updated second edition features up-to-date discussions ...
13 281 ₽
Hepatic Encephalopathy, An Issue Of Clinics In Liver Disease,24-2
изд. 2020

Rustgi, Vinod Hepatic Encephalopathy, An Issue Of Clinics In Liver Disease,24-2

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
In collaboration with Consulting Editor, Dr. Norman Gitlin, Dr. Vinod Rustgi has put together topics that provide a current clinical update on the treatment and management of patients with Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE). Experts in the field have contributetd clinical review articles on the following t...
11 687 ₽
Fatty Liver Disease,An Issue Of Gastroenterology Clinics Of North America,49-1
изд. 2020

Sanyal, Arun J. Fatty Liver Disease,An Issue Of Gastroenterology Clinics Of North America,49-1

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Ce Guide de Poche se base sur TOGAF(R) Version 9.2 Entreprise Edition et il fait autorite en la matiere car il en reprend des elements de documentation.En introduisant de maniere concise TOGAF(R), sa lecture ne necessite pas d`avoir des connaissances prealables sur l`architecture d`entreprise.Ce liv...
11 687 ₽
Medical Semiology Guide Of The Digestive System Part I
изд. 2020

Stoicescu, Manuela Medical Semiology Guide Of The Digestive System Part I

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020

Medical Semiology Guide of the Digestive System provides a comprehensive understanding of medical semiology in the digestive system. Highly illustrated with many original images from the author's daily medical practice, the book highlights all signs of diseases and important semiological maneuvers...

19 260 ₽
Medical Semiology Of The Digestive System Part Ii
изд. 2020

Stoicescu, Manuela Medical Semiology Of The Digestive System Part Ii

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020

Medical Semiology of the Digestive System, Part II provides a comprehensive understanding of medical semiology in the digestive system. Highly illustrated with many original images from the author's daily medical practice, the book highlights all signs of diseases and important semiological maneuvers...

19 127 ₽
Clinical And Basic Neurogastroenterology And Motility
изд. 2019

Rao, Satish S.C. Clinical And Basic Neurogastroenterology And Motility

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a classic childhood character which is not only fun and engaging but educational too! The Large Hungry Caterpillar is the perfect present for newborns upwards and works wonders as a gift on its own or when given together with Eric Carle`s international best-selling lit...
17 533 ₽
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