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Инфекционные и контагеозные заболевания 510 книг
CBS PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press Academ Elsevier Science Eurospan JayPee Brothers JayPee Brothers India John Wiley & Sons Limited Jones and Bartlett Publishers Lippincott Williams & Wilkins MIT Press McGraw-Hill Oxford Academ Springer Taylor&Francis-publisher Thieme Verlagsgruppe World Scientific Publishing (UK) Limited Логосфера
изд. 2019
Rasmussen Sonja A / Соня А. Расмуссен CDC Field Epidemiology Manual
- изд. 2019
A NEW AND ESSENTIAL RESOURCE FOR THE PRACTICE OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND PUBLIC HEALTH The CDC Field Epidemiology Manual is a definitive guide to investigating acute public health events on the ground and in real time. Assembled and written by experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as ...
18 614 ₽
изд. 2020
Howley Peter M. / Хаули Fields virology. Volume 1: Emerging viruses
- изд. 2020
Now in four convenient volumes, Fields Virology remains the most authoritative reference in this fast-changing field, providing definitive coverage of virology, including virus biology as well as replication and medical aspects of specific virus families. This volume of Fields Virology: Emerging Viruses,...
20 077 ₽
изд. 2024
Cheston B. Cunha,Burke A. Cunha, Antibiotic Essentials 2024 18/e
- изд. 2024
Presenting most recent information in field of antimicrobial therapy and infectious disease. Highly successful annual pocket guide. Includes many new topics and updates on new drugs. Authored by leading experts in the field. Includes free access to the app
6 897 ₽
изд. 2024
Erin M. Bonura, Wendy S. Armstrong Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease: A Medical Student and Faculty Collaboration
- изд. 2024
Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases: A Medical Student and Faculty Collaboration is a unique approach to developing microbiology and infectious diseases constructs that blends the in-depth coverage instructors depend on with a compact, student-friendly approach that makes content meaningful...
9 951 ₽
изд. 2023
Crespilho Covid-19 Metabolomics and Diagnosis
- изд. 2023
This book presents a collection of chapters on Covid-19 topics, with focus on the metabolomics and diagnosis. The chapters report on diagnostic tests for detection of SARC-CoV-2 virus and related proteins as well as post-Covid omics. This book covers Fourier-Transform Infrared spectroscopy and spect...
22 359 ₽
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