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Службы системы здравоохранения 1349 книг
Berghahn Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press Academ Elsevier Science Eurospan Humankinetics JayPee Brothers John Wiley & Sons Limited Jones and Bartlett Publishers Lippincott Williams & Wilkins MIT Press McGraw-Hill NBN International Oxford Academ Springer Taylor&Francis-publisher Thieme Verlagsgruppe Wiley EDC Институты через Wiley под вою скидку 20+ Институтов World Health Organization World Scientific Publishing (UK) Limited Неизвестно
изд. 2016
Harris MD C. Martin It's about Patient Care: Transforming Healthcare Information Technology the Cleveland Clinic Way
- изд. 2016
Teacher-to-teacher collaboration is more than a survival tactic; it is the social interaction that propels professional learning. In her new book, teacher and educational consultant Robin Fogarty offers 13 guiding principles for new teachers and school leaders. These seminal ideas, along with the st...
4 460 ₽
изд. 2016
Evans Nicola Therapeutic Skills for Mental Health Nurses
- изд. 2016
Covers the practical therapeutic skills needed by mental health nursing students.
5 146 ₽
изд. 2016
Arthur Jay Lean Six Sigma for Hospitals: Improving Patient Safety, Pati
- изд. 2016
A fully updated, practical guide to Lean Six Sigma applications in the healthcare industry
8 578 ₽
изд. 2018
Tinglong Dai; Sridhar Tayur / Дай Handbook of Healthcare Analytics
- изд. 2018
How can analytics scholars and healthcare professionals access the most exciting and important healthcare topics and tools for the 21st century'
Editors Tinglong Dai (Johns Hopkins) and Sridhar Tayur (Carnegie Mellon), aided by a team of internationally acclaimed experts, have curated this timely...
17 733 ₽
изд. 2017
Esherick Current Practice Guidelines In Primary Care 2017
- изд. 2017
Guidelines for more than 60 common outpatient conditions - drawn from the most authoritative sources
4 117 ₽
изд. 2016
Murtagh Murtagh'S Practice Tips
- изд. 2016
Provides tips for GPs and other medical practitioners. This guide offers tried-and-tested approaches to treatment and improvisation methods, using convenient tools and readily available equipment to treat patients as effectively as possible. It also provides instructions on how to deal with conditio...
10 123 ₽
изд. 2016
Murtagh John Murtagh'S General Practice Companion Handbook
- изд. 2016
Widely recognised as the gold standard reference for general practice and primary health care, this edition refines the content from the main book. Presented in a searchable A-Z order, it is an accessible, trusted and portable source of information for medical students and experienced professionals.
8 750 ₽
изд. 2018
Buck, Carol J. Step-by-Step Medical Coding, 2018 Edition
- изд. 2018
Take your first step toward a successful career in medical coding with guidance from the most trusted name in coding education From Carol J. Buck, the bestselling Step-by-Step Medical Coding is a practical, easy-to-use resource that shows you exactly how to code using all current coding sets. Explanations...
12 351 ₽
изд. 2018
Gallagher, Matthew W.; Lopez, Shane J. The Oxford Handbook of Hope
- изд. 2018
The Oxford Handbook of Hope provides a comprehensive overview of the past twenty five years of research demonstrating when, how, and why hope promotes positive outcomes across contexts and the lifespan.
20 592 ₽
изд. 2018
Brunn, Christer; Edmondson, Jonathan The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy
- изд. 2018
Dit boek wordt een methodische benadering geboden voor het gestandaardiseerd inrichten en aansturen van modern functioneel beheer. Functioneel beheer kan een mooie brug vormen tussen de business en IT-beheer. Het schijnbaar complexe vakgebied functioneel beheer krijgt nog maar relatief kort de aanda...
5 701 ₽
изд. 2018
Mayeda, Shannon Healing the Distress of Psychosis
- изд. 2018
Healing the Distress of Psychosis presents a novel approach to communicating with clients who are suffering from severe psychosis, whose brain functions are uniquely different and require an entirely new way to listen and engage with them.
9 504 ₽
изд. 2018
Fuchsel, Catherine Yes I Can, (Si, Yo Puedo)
- изд. 2018
The Si, Yo Puedo (SYP) curriculum is an 11-week educational program, conducted in Spanish and offered in a group format. Sessions are structured with goals, objectives, in-class self-reflection drawing and writing exercises, and instructions for mental health professionals. The SYP program focuses o...
6 018 ₽
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