Медицина: общие вопросы 6737 книг
The Neuroscience of Sleep and Dreams
изд. 2019

Patrick McNamara The Neuroscience of Sleep and Dreams

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
This book provides complete coverage of the neuroscience of both sleep and dreams for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students. Unlike other introductory texts, it emphasizes the social nature of sleep and dreams, and links new discoveries to established evolutionary theory.
10 691 ₽
Intimate Interventions in Global Health: Family Planning and HIV Prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa
изд. 2019

Rachel Sullivan Robinson Intimate Interventions in Global Health: Family Planning and HIV Prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
This book is a comparative study of links between HIV prevention programs in sub-Saharan Africa and the family planning programs that preceded the epidemic, and how factors influenced the response to the epidemic. It is intended for scholars and academics in global health, international development...
3 431 ₽
Out in Time: The Public Lives of Gay Men from Stonewall to the Queer Generation
изд. 2019

Halkitis Perry N. Out in Time: The Public Lives of Gay Men from Stonewall to the Queer Generation

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
Out in Time explores the life experiences of three generations of gay men -- the Stonewall, AIDS, and Queer generations--arguing that while there are generational differences in the lived experiences of young gay men, each one confronts its own unique historical events, realities, and socio-politic...
3 365 ₽
Merchants of Medicines: The Commerce and Coercion of Health in Britain's Long Eighteenth Century
изд. 2020

Dorner Zachary Merchants of Medicines: The Commerce and Coercion of Health in Britain's Long Eighteenth Century

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
The period from the late seventeenth to the early nineteenth century--the so-called long eighteenth century of English history--was a time of profound global change, marked by the expansion of intercontinental empires, long-distance trade, and human enslavement. It was also the moment when medicines,...
5 808 ₽
Feeling Smarter and Smarter
изд. 2019

Levinson, MD Feeling Smarter and Smarter

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
In this ground-breaking book, Dr. Harold Levinson, a renowned psychiatrist and clinical researcher, provides his long-awaited follow-up work about truly understanding and successfully treating children and adults with many and diverse dyslexia-related disorders such as those found on the cover. Thi...
2 155 ₽
Psychiatry of Pandemics
изд. 2019

Huremovi' Psychiatry of Pandemics

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
This book focuses on how to formulate a mental health response with respect to the unique elements of pandemic outbreaks. Unlike other disaster psychiatry books that isolate aspects of an emergency, this book unifies the clinical aspects of disaster and psychosomatic psychiatry with infectious disease...
9 582 ₽
The Handbook of Health Behavior Change, 5th Revised edition edition
изд. 2018

The Handbook of Health Behavior Change, 5th Revised edition edition

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
This revised and updated fifth edition of the highly acclaimed gold standard textbook continues to provide a foundational review of health behavior change theories, research methodologies, and intervention strategies across a range of populations, age groups, and health conditions. It examines nu...
10 929 ₽
The Sexual Question: A History of Prostitution in Peru, 1850s–1950s
изд. 2020

Paulo Drinot The Sexual Question: A History of Prostitution in Peru, 1850s–1950s

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Exploring the links between sexuality, society, and state formation, this is the first history of prostitution and its regulation in Peru. Scholars and students interested in Latin American history, the history of gender and sexuality, and the history of medicine and public health will find Drinot`...
3 299 ₽
The Sexual Question: A History of Prostitution in Peru, 1850s–1950s
изд. 2020

Paulo Drinot The Sexual Question: A History of Prostitution in Peru, 1850s–1950s

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Exploring the links between sexuality, society, and state formation, this is the first history of prostitution and its regulation in Peru. Scholars and students interested in Latin American history, the history of gender and sexuality, and the history of medicine and public health will find Drinot`...
10 427 ₽
The Other Population Crisis
изд. 2020

Steven Philip Kramer / Стивен Филип Крамер The Other Population Crisis

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
The programs in Italy, Japan, and Singapore, which have failed so far, have not devoted sufficient resources consistently enough to make a difference and do not support gender equality and women`s work-family balance, Kramer finds.
2 904 ₽
Primer Of Biostatistics, 7 ed
изд. 2011

Glantz Primer Of Biostatistics, 7 ed

  • ENG
  • изд. 2011
Features an introduction to understanding statistics as they apply to medicine and the life sciences. This is an analysis of variance and the t test, then advance to multiple comparison testing, contingency tables, regression, and more.
7 245 ₽
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