Все книги 30282 книги
Комплект Основы патологии заболеваний по Роббинсу и Котрану Том 1,2,3
изд. 2016 Комплект

Кумар В., Аббас А.К., Фаусто Н., Астер Дж.К. Комплект Основы патологии заболеваний по Роббинсу и Котрану Том 1,2,3

  • RUS
  • изд. 2016
Данная книга - восьмое издание одного из самых популярных медицинских учебников в мире. Она содержит современные знания по патологии, представленные в полном объеме ведущими экспертами в этой области; раскрывает основные концепции и понятия в простой форме, обеспечивает читателя информацией о патоло...
9 990 ₽
Atlas of Human Anatomy 7 еd.
изд. 2018

Netter Frank H. / Неттер Фрэнк Atlas of Human Anatomy 7 еd.

  • изд. 2018
The only anatomy atlas illustrated by physicians, Atlas of Human Anatomy, 7th edition, brings you world-renowned, exquisitely clear views of the human body with a clinical perspective. In addition to the famous work of Dr. Frank Netter, you'll also find nearly 100 paintings by Dr. Carlos A. G....
8 084 ₽
Basic and Clinical Pharmacology 14e
изд. 2017

Katzung Bertram G. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology 14e

  • ENG
  • изд. 2017

The most up-to-date, comprehensive, and authoritative pharmacology text in health medicine--enhanced by a new full-color illustrations

Organized to reflect the syllabi in many pharmacology courses and in integrated curricula, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, Fourteenth Edition covers the important concepts...

6 324 ₽
Davidson`s Principles and Practice of Medicine IE, 23 Edi.
изд. 2018

Stuart H. Ralstone et al Davidson`s Principles and Practice of Medicine IE, 23 Edi.

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
More than two million medical students, doctors and other health professionals around the globe have owned a copy of Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine since it was first published. Now in its 23rd Edition, this textbook describes the pathophysiology and clinical features of the most fr...
4 503 ₽
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