Бактериология, вирусология, паразитология 30 книг
Animal-Origin Viral Zoonoses
изд. 2020

Malik Animal-Origin Viral Zoonoses

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
This book is the second volume in the series Livestock Diseases and Management, and reviews the importance and implications of animal origin viral zoonoses. It also highlights the specific etiology and epidemiology of these viral infections and discusses their various biological and mechanical transmission...
23 757 ₽
Vaccine Technologies for Veterinary Viral Diseases
изд. 2023

Brun Vaccine Technologies for Veterinary Viral Diseases

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
This second edition includes a collection of antigen production and delivery strategies for vaccine development in veterinary species. New and updated chapters guide readers through protocols for antigen production, experimental antigen delivery and the analysis of immune responses upon vaccination....
18 167 ₽
Concepts, Compounds and the Alternatives of Antibacterials
изд. 2018

Valeria Severino Concepts, Compounds and the Alternatives of Antibacterials

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
Examines various aspects of antibacterial drugs - from basic concepts to complex therapeutic mechanisms of polymer systems, including an extensive overview of antibacterial drugs. The book provides the reader with insights into the development and history of antibacterial drugs.
24 140 ₽
Veterinary Parasitology Reference Manual
изд. 2001

Foreyt William J, Price T, Gripper Peter L, Veterinary Parasitology Reference Manual

  • ENG
  • изд. 2001
Provides access to pertinent information on parasite life cycles, importance, location in host, zoonotic potential, literature, diagnosis, and treatment. This book, organized by animal host species, includes step-by-step instructions for the most common diagnostic procedures used in routine veterina...
8 704 ₽
Veterinary Parasitology
изд. 2007

Taylor Mike Veterinary Parasitology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2007
Focusing on parasites of livestock and companion animals, this title includes a sections that covers parasites of poultry and gamebirds, laboratory animals, exotic pets and `farmed` species. It is suitable for veterinary students, as well as researchers of veterinary parasitology, veterinarians in p...
11 086 ₽
Georgis' Parasitology For Veterinarians
изд. 2020

Bowman, Dwight D. Georgis' Parasitology For Veterinarians

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020

Georgis' Parasitology for Veterinarians, 11th Edition provides the most current information on all parasites commonly encountered in veterinary medicine, including minor or rare parasites to assist in the diagnosis of difficult cases. While primarily focused on parasites that infect ruminants, ...

15 494 ₽
Mettenleiter-Advances in Virus Research V104
изд. 2019

Rey, Felix Mettenleiter-Advances in Virus Research V104

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019

Complementary Strategies to Study Virus Structure and Function, Volume 104, the latest release in the Advances in Virus Research series, highlights new advances in the field, with this new volume presenting interesting chapters on X-ray structures from crystals of viral proteins grown in cellula, NMR...

19 924 ₽
The Biology and Identification of the Coccidia (Apicomplexa) of Carnivores of the World
изд. 2018

Duszynski, Don The Biology and Identification of the Coccidia (Apicomplexa) of Carnivores of the World

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018

Developmental Biology and Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering: Principles and Applications focuses on the regeneration of orthopedic tissue, drawing upon expertise from developmental biologists specializing in orthopedic tissues and tissue engineers who have used and applied developmental biology approaches....

15 275 ₽
изд. 2018


  • ENG
  • изд. 2018

Asiatic Liver Fluke - From Basic Science to Public Health, Volume 101, is a well-known and respected outlet for detailed and comprehensive reviews written by experts covering all aspects of parasitology. This latest release covers topics of interest, including the Taxonomy, ecology and population genetics...

21 916 ₽
Canine parasites and parasitic diseases
изд. 2018

N'reaho, Anu Canine parasites and parasitic diseases

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018

Canine Parasites and Parasitic Diseases Offers a concise summary including distribution, epidemiology, lifecycle, morphology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, prophylaxis and therapeutic measures on the most important parasites affecting dogs. The work introduces the reader to the classification ...

11 549 ₽
Advances in Parasitology
изд. 2018

Rollinson, David Advances in Parasitology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018

Advances in Parasitology, Volume 99, the latest in a series first published in 1963, contains comprehensive and up-to-date reviews on all areas of interest in contemporary parasitology. The series includes medical studies of parasites of major influence, along with reviews of more traditional areas,...

21 916 ₽
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