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Ветеринарная медицина: Инфекционные заболевания 74 книги
изд. 2014
Miller R. Eric, Fowler Murray E. Fowler's Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine, Volume 8
- изд. 2014
Logically organized by taxonomic groups, this up-to-date text covers the diagnosis and treatment of all zoo animal species and free-ranging wildlife, including amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, and fish, unlikely to be seen by private practice veterinarians. Featuring full-color images, the consistent,...
18 860 ₽
изд. 2004
Allen G Dana, Smith, Jr. W Francis, Dowling M Patr Handbook of Veterinary Drugs
- изд. 2004
Including various drugs and veterinary practices, this title offers readers immediate access to information on therapies for dogs, cats, horses, ruminant species, pigs, birds, rodents, rabbits, ferrets, and reptiles. Each section begins with a table of dosages and is followed by alphabetically organ...
12 506 ₽
изд. 2003
Richardson Virginia, Mckendrick John E, Whitehead Diseases of Small Domestic Rodents
- изд. 2003
As well as two new chapters on jirds and degus, this book has been fully revised and updated to reflect current developments in the treatment and knowledge of diseases in small rodents and includes sections on anaesthesia and detailed information on drug treatments.
9 702 ₽
изд. 2000
Richardson Virginia, Lacey Anne, Dancaster Christo Diseases of Domestic Guinea Pigs
- изд. 2000
This book provides a comprehensive text covering all aspects of guinea pig medicine. This updated edition will be of value to veterinary surgeons and students, veterinary nurses, breeders and all those working in the animal care industry.
9 813 ₽
изд. 2001
Foreyt William J, Price T, Gripper Peter L, Veterinary Parasitology Reference Manual
- изд. 2001
Provides access to pertinent information on parasite life cycles, importance, location in host, zoonotic potential, literature, diagnosis, and treatment. This book, organized by animal host species, includes step-by-step instructions for the most common diagnostic procedures used in routine veterina...
8 704 ₽
изд. 2007
Taylor Mike Veterinary Parasitology
- изд. 2007
Focusing on parasites of livestock and companion animals, this title includes a sections that covers parasites of poultry and gamebirds, laboratory animals, exotic pets and `farmed` species. It is suitable for veterinary students, as well as researchers of veterinary parasitology, veterinarians in p...
11 086 ₽
изд. 2011
John W. Harvey Veterinary Hematology
- изд. 2011
Delivers the information you need to accurately assess and diagnose the blood diseases of common domestic animals - including dogs, cats, horses, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and llamas. This title guides you through the processes of selecting relevant diagnostic tests, collecting and preparing sampl...
9 828 ₽
изд. 2000
Elizabeth S. Williams (Editor), Ian K. Barker (Edi Infectious diseases of wild mammals
- изд. 2000
Infectious Diseases of Wild Mammals, Third Edition presents the latest information on the diagnosis and treatment of infectious disease in both free-ranging and captive wild mammals. Editors Elizabeth Williams and Ian Barker have recruited 71 contributors, all noted experts in their fields, to update...
23 118 ₽
изд. 2013
Debra C. Sellon Equine Infectious Diseases,
- изд. 2013
Suitable for both practitioners and students, this title covers the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of infectious disease in horses. Organized by infectious agent - virus, bacterial and rickettsial, protazoal, and fungal, it includes a coverage of the individual diseases caused by each type of ...
18 063 ₽
изд. 2016
Matthews John G. Diseases of the Goat
- изд. 2016
Diseases of the Goat, 4th Edition, is a revised and updated edition of the popular tool for veterinarians featuring of all aspects of goat medicine from initial assessment and examination to diagnosis, treatment, and control of conditions.
7 754 ₽
изд. 2016
Swayne Animal Influenza 2e
- изд. 2016
Animal Influenza, Second Edition is a comprehensive text on animal influenza. Organized by species, coverage includes avian, swine, equine and mammals, with each section including data on influenza viruses, the infection and disease they cause, and strategies used in control.
26 128 ₽
изд. 2017
Belknap Equine Laminitis
- изд. 2017
The first book dedicated to this common, serious, and complex equine disease, Equine Laminitis is the gold-standard reference to the latest information on every aspect of the disease and its treatment.
21 534 ₽
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