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Ветеринарная патологическая анатомия и гистология 24 книги
изд. 2017
Tizard Ian R. Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition By Tizard
- изд. 2017
Exploring the immunologic concerns of both large and small animals, Veterinary Immunology: An Introduction,10th Edition is the only complete resource on immunology for veterinary practitioners. This new edition has been meticulously updated to continue its trend of incorporating the latest advances ...
12 248 ₽
изд. 2003
Richardson Virginia, Mckendrick John E, Whitehead Diseases of Small Domestic Rodents
- изд. 2003
As well as two new chapters on jirds and degus, this book has been fully revised and updated to reflect current developments in the treatment and knowledge of diseases in small rodents and includes sections on anaesthesia and detailed information on drug treatments.
9 702 ₽
изд. 2008
Stockham Fundamentals of Veterinary Clinical Pathology
- изд. 2008
This book provides in-depth information about common clinical laboratory assays that are used to evaluate domestic mammals, including what assays measure, sample or assay conditions that affect results, and what results indicate about the physiologic or pathologic state of a patient.
15 674 ₽
изд. 2008
Munro, Ranald Munro, Helen M. C. Animal abuse and unlawful killing
- изд. 2008
Guides veterinarians and lawyers through the diverse and complex fields of alleged cruelty to, and unlawful killing of, companion animals, farm livestock and wildlife. This book is suitable for veterinary and legal professionals engaged in forensic cases involving animals.
9 828 ₽
изд. 2012
Bacha Color Atlas of Veterinary Histology, 3rd Edition
- изд. 2012
Designed to provide students with a foundation in understanding and interpreting histologic and cytologic preparations, Color Atlas of Veterinary Histology is a practical benchside reference focusing on the normal histology of eight common domestic species.
14 565 ₽
изд. 2013
Buergelt Claus D Color Atlas of Equine Pathology
- изд. 2013
Color Atlas of Equine Pathology offers a practical guide to identifying equine diseases, presenting a single resource with more than 1000 images showing predominantly gross pathology. Organized by body systems, the book allows for picture matching during or after an equine necropsy.
21 534 ₽
изд. 2015
M. Grant Maxie / Макси М. Грант Jubb, Kennedy & Palmer's Pathology of Domestic Animals: 3-Volume Set, 6th Edition
- изд. 2015
The 5th edition of Jubb, Kennedy, and Palmer`s Pathology of Domestic Animals continues the long tradition of this classic set of volumes as the most comprehensive reference book published on the topic of pathology of the common domestic mammals, with emphasis on disease conditions of cattle and smal...
50 738 ₽
изд. 2012
Roberts R. J. / Р.Дж. Робертс Fish Pathology
- изд. 2012
Fish Pathology provides in-depth coverage across all major aspects of fish pathology. Much new infomation is included in this new edition, including enhanced coverage of any diseases that have become commercially significant since publication of the previous edition.
29 613 ₽
изд. 2017
Ressel, Lorenzo Normal cell morphology in canine and feline cytology
- изд. 2017
A concise and practical visual guide to normal cell identification for all those dealing with cytology in the dog and cat.
Normal Cell Morphology in Canine and Feline Cytology: An Identification Guide takes a uniquely visual approach to normal cell identification in dogs and cats. Single-page presentations...
6 803 ₽
изд. 2017
Equine neck and back pathology
- изд. 2017
Preceded by Equine back pathology / edited by Frances M.D. Henson. 2009.
15 357 ₽
изд. 2012
William J. Bacha Jr., Linda M. Bacha Color Atlas of Veterinary Histology, 3e Wiley Desktop Edition Set
- изд. 2012
Designed to provide students with a foundation in understanding and interpreting histologic and cytologic preparations, Color Atlas of Veterinary Histology is a practical benchside reference focusing on the normal histology of eight common domestic species. This Third Edition has been revised with new...
16 157 ₽
изд. 2019
Bradley, Alys Spontaneous Pathology of the Laboratory Non-Human Primate
- изд. 2019
Spontaneous Pathology of the Laboratory Nonhuman Primate serves as a go to resource for all pathologists working on primates in safety assessment studies. In addition, it helps diagnostic veterinary pathologists rule out spontaneous non-clinical disease pathologies when assigning cause of death to species...
35 464 ₽
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