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Реабилитация 203 книги
изд. 2021
Apard Thomas, Brasseur Jean Louis Ultrasonography for the Upper Limb Surgeon
- изд. 2021
This book combines orthopedists` and radiologists` perspectives to provide a comprehensive overview of the rapidly expanding use of ultrasound in orthopedic surgery.
15 372 ₽
изд. 2021
Courage Olivier, Bertiaux Simon, Papin Pierre-Emmanuel Knee Arthroscopy: How to Succeed
- изд. 2021
Theologies on the Move examines how the experiences of migration and pilgrimage that are created as a result of the pressures of neoliberal capitalism shape theological and religious traditions. Based on these insights, the contributors examine what difference religion can make in a world dominated ...
11 179 ₽
изд. 2021
Nusser-Mьller-Busch Ricki, Gampp Lehmann Karin Facial-Oral Tract Therapy (F.O.T.T.): For Eating, Swallowing, Nonverbal Communication and Speech
- изд. 2021
The book offers a comprehensive approach to the assessment and treatment of disturbances in facial expression, oral movement, swallowing, breathing, voice and speech production caused by developmental and acquired neurological conditions.
15 372 ₽
изд. 2021
DeLuca John, Chiaravalloti Nancy D., Weber Erica Cognitive Rehabilitation and Neuroimaging: Examining the Evidence from Brain to Behavior
- изд. 2021
The purpose of this book is to educate readers regarding the efficacy of cognitive rehabilitation across a variety of neurological conditions, with specific emphasis on rehabilitation-related change detectable via neuroimaging.
20 962 ₽
изд. 2023
Fink Femoral Revision Arthroplasty
- изд. 2023
This practical book combines thorough literature review with extensive clinical experience to provide a clear overview of femoral revision arthroplasty, with the aim to present all available surgical techniques and critically discuss pros and cons and evidence-based recommendation for each of them. ...
16 769 ₽
изд. 2023
Milano Shoulder Arthroscopy
- изд. 2023
This comprehensive textbook, published in collaboration with ESSKA, now in a revised and updated second edition, covers all major shoulder problems and related arthroscopic treatments. Introductory sections on basic science and the principles of shoulder arthroscopy provide essential information wit...
23 757 ₽
изд. 2021
Sampaio Gomes Nuno, Kovačič Ladislav, Martetschlдger Frank Massive and Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears: From Basic Science to Advanced Treatments
- изд. 2021
This book offers a truly comprehensive overview of the understanding and treatment of massive and irreparable rotator cuff tears, a painful and disabling shoulder condition that continues to pose major challenges.
12 577 ₽
изд. 2021
Langdon Patrick, Lazar Jonathan, Heylighen Ann Designing for Inclusion: Inclusive Design: Looking Towards the Future
- изд. 2021
Reconciling Usability, Accessibility and Inclusive Design.- Designing Inclusive Assistive and Rehabilitation Systems.- Measuring Product Demand and Peoples' Capabilities.- Designing Cognitive Interaction with Emerging Technologies.- Designing Inclusive Architecture: Buildings and Spaces.- Data ...
25 155 ₽
изд. 2021
Stancliffe Roger J., Wehmeyer Michael L., Shogren Karrie a. Choice, Preference, and Disability: Promoting Self-Determination Across the Lifespan
- изд. 2021
This book examines choice and preference in the lives of people with disability, focusing on people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
23 757 ₽
изд. 2021
Pozzi Christian, Lanzoni Alessandro, Graff Maud J. L. Occupational Therapy for Older People
- изд. 2021
Learn how to make meals that are out of this world with this indispensable guide to the food of the stars! Perfect for every fan, this updated edition of The Star Trek Cookbook from the New York Times bestselling author comes with brand-new and delicious recipes, tantalizing visuals, and easy-to-fol...
11 086 ₽
изд. 2021
Vinjamuri Ramana Advances in Motor Neuroprostheses
- изд. 2021
This book provides a comprehensive review of recent developments in the field of motor neuroprosthetics and brain-machine interfaces.
20 962 ₽
изд. 2020
Vinjamuri Ramana Advances in Motor Neuroprostheses
- изд. 2020
This book provides a comprehensive review of recent developments in the field of motor neuroprosthetics and brain-machine interfaces.
20 962 ₽
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