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Уход И вспомогательные услуги 4773 книги
CBS PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press Academ Cengage Learning Elsevier India Elsevier Science Eurospan Humankinetics JayPee Brothers JayPee Brothers India John Wiley & Sons Limited Jones and Bartlett Publishers Lippincott Williams & Wilkins McGraw-Hill Oxford Academ Oxford University Press PUBLISHER_542 Springer Taylor&Francis-publisher Thieme Verlagsgruppe World Health Organization World Scientific Publishing (UK) Limited Логосфера Неизвестно
изд. 2012
Acosta LWW's Pharmacology for Health Professionals
- изд. 2012
Ideal for introductory pharmacology courses, LWW's Pharmacology for the Health Professions offers a concise introduction to pharmacological concepts for students in the health professions. Now in a fully updated Second Edition, this full-color text provides a solid foundation in the basic princ...
8 973 ₽
изд. 2017
Acquaviva, Kimberly D. Lgbtq-inclusive hospice and palliative care
- изд. 2017
This is the only handbook for hospice and palliative care professionals looking to enhance their care delivery or their programs with LGBTQ-inclusive care
6 600 ₽
изд. 2018
Wilson Kristin J. Others' Milk: The Potential of Exceptional Breastfeeding
- изд. 2018
Breastfeeding rarely conforms to the idealized Madonna-and-baby image seen in old artwork, now re-cast in celebrity breastfeeding photo spreads and pro-breastfeeding ad campaigns. The personal accounts in Others’ Milk illustrate just how messy and challenging and unpredictable it can be—an uncomfor...
2 960 ₽
изд. 2018
Kimberlin David W. Red Book Pediatric Infectious Diseases Clinical Decision Support Chart
- изд. 2018
This convenient flip chart provides pediatric health care professionals with point-of-care guidance on the assessment, prevention, and treatment of childhood infectious diseases. Includes handy algorithms and tables to provide quick, practical support and guidance.Topics include:SyphilisVaricella-Z...
4 596 ₽
изд. 2018
Grajo, Lenin C. Boisselle, Angela Adaptation through occupation
- изд. 2018
Adaptation, as an internal human process, is an often-overlooked construct in occupational therapy education, research, and practice. Adaptation Through Occupation: Multidimensional Perspectives aims to change that by presenting different perspectives that challenge the reader’s understanding of oc...
6 744 ₽
изд. 2018
Jensen, Gail Educating physical therapists
- изд. 2018
The Preparation for the Professions Program by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching focused on education in five professions (clergy, law, engineering, nursing, and medicine), but its influence has been felt throughout higher education and has inspired other professions to turn a...
7 263 ₽
изд. 2019
Polan Elaine U Journey Across the Life Span
- изд. 2019
Take a fascinating journey through the life cycle.Here’s just what you need to effectively care for your patients at any stage of life in today’s ever-changing world of health care. Elaine Polan and Daphne Taylor guide you through the life cycle—from conception to old age—with an emphasis on health...
6 031 ₽
изд. 2018
Gerri Lamb, Robin Newhouse Care Coordination: A Blueprint for Action for RNs
- изд. 2018
In today’s health care environment, the drumbeat for care coordination grows louder and more urgent. It’s an effective way to improve quality and outcomes. Nurses are integral to this process, yet most feel their contributions are unrecognized and underappreciated. What can nurses do'This book...
3 690 ₽
изд. 2018
Compounding Sterile Preparations
- изд. 2018
The essential sterile compounding reference every pharmacist needs has been fully updated and is the most comprehensive and authoritative reference available on sterile compounding available. It’s a trusted resource that every pharmacist needs.This new fourth edition now includes: Coverage of new U...
14 214 ₽
изд. 2018
Zachary Thomas Jordan Aseptic Compounding Technique: Learning and Mastering the Ritual
- изд. 2018
An in-depth guide to all aspects of aseptic compounding work, including proper hand techniques and maintenance of sterile supplies and equipment, Aseptic Compounding Technique: Learning & Mastering the Ritual is designed to enhance the learning process for pharmacists and technicians at all levels ...
8 008 ₽
изд. 2018
Jill C. Cash, Cheryl A. Glass Family Practice Guidelines: Elist with App
- изд. 2018
Now with a free mobile & web app with print purchase!This bible of family practice for primary care students and clinicians provides current national practice guidelines for professional standards of care across the life span. Concise and clearly organized, the resource features detailed, step-by-s...
14 060 ₽
изд. 2018
Michael J. Villeneuve Public Policy and Canadian Nursing: Lessons from the Field
- изд. 2018
Public Policy and Canadian Nursing offers an extensive overview of health policy and the expanding role of nurses in Canada. Focusing specifically on the larger nursing profession, Michael J. Villeneuve examines how health politics, funding, and practices have been reformed in ways that influence n...
7 664 ₽
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