Трансплантационная хирургия 74 книги
The Economics of Kidney Transplantation
изд. 2018

Yavuz Demirdogen The Economics of Kidney Transplantation

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
Over the last century, the world witnessed outstanding advancements in the field of surgery and organ transplantation, with success ratios reaching 80% to 90%. There is, however, a huge difference between the number of organs available for transplantation and the number of people in need of transpl...
10 220 ₽
Handbook of Renal and Pancreatic Transplantation
изд. 2012

MacPhee Handbook of Renal and Pancreatic Transplantation

  • ENG
  • изд. 2012
This book is designed to fill the need for a contemporaryhandbook for the practice of renal and pancreatic transplantation thatis focussed on a European rather than North American approach.There are significant differences in transplant practice internationally andthere is a need for a practical gu...
8 441 ₽
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