Реанимационная хирургия 38 книг
360° Around Shoulder Instability
изд. 2021

Brzуska Roman, Milano Giuseppe, Randelli Pietro S. 360° Around Shoulder Instability

  • ENG
  • изд. 2021
This book presents the current status of shoulder instability treatment with the aim of equipping readers with a comprehensive understanding of the latest concepts of shoulder instability, diagnosis and the decision-making process, conservative treatment, state of the art surgical techniques, and ma...
16 070 ₽
Regenerative Medicine in China
изд. 2021

Fu Xiaobing Regenerative Medicine in China

  • ENG
  • изд. 2021
This book includes major issues in wound tissue repair and regeneration in 14 chapters. The topics start from cytological basis, molecular and genetic basis, skin development, to the tissue repair, visceral injury and tissue engineering.
15 372 ₽
Postinjury Multiple Organ Failure
изд. 2023

Balogh Postinjury Multiple Organ Failure

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
This book on post-injury multiple organ failure (MOF) offers a comprehensive overview and clinically focused practical guide to treating the condition. MOF is arguably the most difficult complication to manage in polytrauma patients and is responsible for the majority of trauma deaths among patients...
15 372 ₽
Operational and Medical Management of Explosive and Blast Incidents
изд. 2021

Callaway David W., Burstein Jonathan L. Operational and Medical Management of Explosive and Blast Incidents

  • ENG
  • изд. 2021
Part I. Introduction
Chapter 1. Scope and Scale of the Problem Chapter 2. Blast Physics and Biophysics
Chapter 3. State of the Science - Blast Injury Pathophysiology
Chapter 4. Operational Considerations: Review of Contemporary Data
Chapter 5. Civilian Hospital and Healthcare System Preparedness (Location,...
18 167 ₽
Emergency Surgery for Low Resource Regions
изд. 2021

Piscioneri Francesco, Kluger Yoram, Ansaloni Luca Emergency Surgery for Low Resource Regions

  • ENG
  • изд. 2021
Theologies on the Move examines how the experiences of migration and pilgrimage that are created as a result of the pressures of neoliberal capitalism shape theological and religious traditions. Based on these insights, the contributors examine what difference religion can make in a world dominated ...
13 974 ₽
360° Around Shoulder Instability
изд. 2020

Brz'ska 360° Around Shoulder Instability

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
This book presents the current status of shoulder instability treatment with the aim of equipping readers with a comprehensive understanding of the latest concepts of shoulder instability, diagnosis and the decision-making process, conservative treatment, state of the art surgical techniques, and ma...
16 070 ₽
Violence, Trauma, and Trauma Surgery
изд. 2020

Siegler Violence, Trauma, and Trauma Surgery

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Part II, Ethical Issues Related to Trauma and Trauma Surgery, offers eight chapters that address various aspects of ethical issues related to trauma and trauma surgery.
13 974 ₽
Fractures of the Hip
изд. 2019

B'chler Fractures of the Hip

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
The book highlights the advantages and disadvantages of traditional as well as newer surgical approaches to the hip and pelvis, such as surgical hip dislocation, hip arthroscopy, the pararectus approach, and combined approaches.
11 878 ₽
Handbook of Lower Extremity Reconstruction
изд. 2020

Scott T. Hollenbeck, Peter B. Arnold, Dennis P. Orgill Handbook of Lower Extremity Reconstruction

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020

This focused, concise book offers an in-depth analysis of lower extremity reconstruction alongside region-specific photos and illustrations. As an anatomical atlas, it seeks to aid the visual learner in showcasing the key steps in setting up and raising the flap for a given defect.

Organized into two...
18 167 ₽
Intraarticular Fractures
изд. 2019

Doral Intraarticular Fractures

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
This superbly illustrated book is a comprehensive and detailed guide to the contemporary arthroscopic management of intraarticular fractures. The closing section addresses relevant miscellaneous issues, including arthroscopic management of temporomandibular joint fractures and extended indications f...
22 359 ₽
изд. 2020

Johnson Anophthalmia

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
This book provides a comprehensive review on the surgical care of patients requiring removal of an eye, as well as consequent functional and cosmetic rehabilitation.
11 179 ₽
Operational and Medical Management of Explosive and Blast Incidents
изд. 2020

Callaway Operational and Medical Management of Explosive and Blast Incidents

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Discusses medical treatment of a variety of injuries from pre-hospital care to the emergency department and ICU
Provides real-life case studies from recent blast incidents
Covers post-hospital considerations such as rehabilitation, mental health, and community resilience
18 167 ₽
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