Рентгенография и рентгеноскопия 572 книги
Essentials of Radiographic Physics and Imaging
изд. 2019

Johnston James Essentials of Radiographic Physics and Imaging

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019

Prepare for success on the ARRT exam and in the practice of radiography Essentials of Radiographic Physics and Imaging, 3rd Edition follows the ASRT recommended curriculum and focuses on what the radiographer needs to understand to safely and competently perform radiographic examinations. This comprehensive...

15 770 ₽
Advances in Clinical Radiology,1-1
изд. 2019

Advances in Clinical Radiology,1-1

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
Conceptual engineering is a newly flourishing branch of philosophy which investigates problems with our concepts and considers how they might be ameliorated: `truth`, for instance, is susceptible to paradox, and it`s not clear what `race` stands for. This is the first collective exploration of possi...
20 719 ₽
Ecografia Rev Integral Para Certif Pb
изд. 2020

Shrestha Ecografia Rev Integral Para Certif Pb

  • изд. 2020
Este libro cubre todos los aspectos clave del ultrasonido en un dise o de preguntas de opci n m ltiple acompa adas de cientos de im genes. Es una herramienta ideal para los residentes que se preparan para su examen, as como para los profesionales que toman ex menes de recertificaci n. Esta revisi n ...
7 894 ₽
Introduction to Sonography and Patient Care
изд. 2020

Steven M. Penny Introduction to Sonography and Patient Care

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Master the sonography content and skills you need to prepare for, and succeed in, your specialized career! Introduction to Sonography and Patient Care, 2nd Edition, provides essential information and real-world applicable content, bridging the gap between didactic and clinical training. An easy-to-understand...
8 750 ₽
Advances In Clinical Radiology
изд. 2020

Miller, Frank H. / Фрэнк Х. Миллер Advances In Clinical Radiology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Advances in Clinical Radiology was established to review the year's most important questions in clinical radiology. A distinguished editorial board, headed by Dr. Frank Miller, identifies key areas of major progress and controversy, and invites preeminent specialists to contribute original arti...
20 719 ₽
Grainger & Allison'S Diagnostic Radiology
изд. 2020

Adam, Andy Grainger & Allison'S Diagnostic Radiology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020

Master the information you need to know for practice and prepare for certification or recertification with a succinct, comprehensive account of the entire spectrum of imaging modalities and their clinical applications. Throughout six outstanding editions, Grainger and Allison's Diagnostic Radiology...

59 623 ₽
Felson'S Principles Of Chest Roentgenology, A Programmed Text
изд. 2020

Goodman, Lawrence R. Felson'S Principles Of Chest Roentgenology, A Programmed Text

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Easy to read, engaging, and highly interactive, Felson's Principles of Chest Roentgenology: A Programmed Text, 5th Edition, has long been the go-to learning resource for medical students, residents, radiologists, and others who order and interpret chest x-rays. It offers a clear, self-directed ...
11 176 ₽
Imaging Of The Reproductive Age Female,An Issue Of Radiologic Clinicsof North America,58-2
изд. 2020

Poder, Liina Imaging Of The Reproductive Age Female,An Issue Of Radiologic Clinicsof North America,58-2

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
This issue of Radiologic Clinics of North America focuses on Imaging of the Reproductive Age Female, and is edited by Dr. Liina Poder. Articles will include: Imaging Safety and Technical Considerations in the Reproductive Age Female; Imaging of Infertility: Hysterosalpingograms to MRI; Imaging Spect...
15 274 ₽
Trauma And Emergency Radiology, An Issue Of Radiologic Clinics Of North America,57-4
изд. 2019

Anderson, Stephan Trauma And Emergency Radiology, An Issue Of Radiologic Clinics Of North America,57-4

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
A two-act play based on the legendary Battle of Talikota in 1565 and the circumstances leading up to it. Central to the narrative is the story of the power-hungry `Aliya` Rama Raya, the successful son-in-law of the Vijayanagar emperor Krishna Deva Raya, his overarching ways, and his twisted attempts...
15 539 ₽
изд. 2020


  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Perfect for residents and fellows to use during rotations, or as a quick review for practicing radiologists and nuclear medicine physicians, Nuclear Medicine: The Essentials is a complete, concise overview of the most important knowledge in this challenging and evolving field. Each chapter begins with...
17 846 ₽
изд. 2020


  • изд. 2020
Con m s de 35,000 copias vendidas de las primeras 4 ediciones, Introducci n al diagn stico por imagen, 5ed presenta diagn stico por imagen para no radi logos, estudiantes de medicina, en rotaci n de radiolog a, as como estudiantes de otras ciencias de la salud. Como se present en ediciones previas, ...
9 953 ₽
Getting Started in Clinical Radiology: From Image to Diagnosis
изд. 2005

George W. Eastman Getting Started in Clinical Radiology: From Image to Diagnosis

  • изд. 2005
I read the book for enjoyment and pleasure, as well as enlightenment. It was a delightful learning experience. --Thomas Lee Bucky, MD This book teaches radiology in a way that mimics a lively setting on the wards. To have fun in learning the theoretical basis of imaging and the interpretation of r...
2 611 ₽
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