Рентгенография и рентгеноскопия 572 книги
An Illustrated Guide to Congenital Heart Disease
изд. 2019

Park / Парк An Illustrated Guide to Congenital Heart Disease

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
This book combines an exceptional wealth of precise, exquisite schematic drawings and high-quality images with clear explanatory text in order to provide readers with a crisp and clear understanding of all aspects of congenital heart disease, from diagnosis to treatment and from the fetus to the adu...
30 606 ₽
Prostatic Artery Embolization
изд. 2020

Isaacson Prostatic Artery Embolization

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
This book comprehensively covers prostatic artery embolization (PAE) in interventional radiology (IR). PAE is a minimally invasive IR procedure that improves urinary symptoms secondary to BPH and, unlike most available BPH treatments, carries very little risk of compromising sexual function.
11 179 ₽
Chest X-Rays for Medical Students.- John Wiley and Sons ltd, 2020 СОЕДИНЕННОЕ КОРОЛЕВСТВО ISBN: 9781119504153
изд. 2020

Christopher Clarke, Anthony Dux / Кристофер Кларк Chest X-Rays for Medical Students.- John Wiley and Sons ltd, 2020 СОЕДИНЕННОЕ КОРОЛЕВСТВО ISBN: 9781119504153

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020

Chest X-rays for Medical Students offers a fresh analytical approach to identifying chest abnormalities, helping medical students, junior doctors, and nurses understand the underlying physics and basic anatomical and pathological details of X-ray images of the chest. The authors provide a memorable ...

5 219 ₽
Rad Tech's Guide to Radiation Protection
изд. 2019

Euclid Seeram Rad Tech's Guide to Radiation Protection

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019

Radiation protection is a core element of radiologic technology programmes and daily practice alike. Rad Tech's Guide to Radiation Protection is a comprehensive yet compact guide designed to illuminate the extensive field of radiation protection for technologists, trainees, and radiology students....

6 328 ₽
Uflackers Atlas Vascular Anatomy 3E Cb
изд. 2020

Guimaraes Uflackers Atlas Vascular Anatomy 3E Cb

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2021!

Offering detailed, well-illustrated coverage of the vascular anatomy seen on all imaging modalities, Atlas of Vascular Anatomy: An Angiographic Approach, 3rd Edition, presents the complete anatomy of the arteries, veins, and lymphatic system by body region....

44 101 ₽
Rad Tech's Guide to MRI
изд. 2020

Faulkner William H Rad Tech's Guide to MRI

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020

The second edition of Rad Tech's Guide to MRI provides practicing and training technologists with a succinct overview of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Designed for quick reference and examination preparation, this pocket-size guide covers the fundamental principles of electromagnetism, MRI ...

6 328 ₽
Orthopaedic Imaging: A Practical Approach
изд. 2020

Adam Greenspan, Javier Beltran Orthopaedic Imaging: A Practical Approach

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2021!

Trusted by both radiologists and orthopaedic surgeons for authoritative, comprehensive guidance on the interpretation of musculoskeletal images, Orthopedic Imaging: A Practical Approach is an ideal resource at every stage of training and practice. The...

50 965 ₽
Workbook For Comprehensive Radiographic Pathology
изд. 2020

Eisenberg, Ronald L. Workbook For Comprehensive Radiographic Pathology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020

Corresponding to the chapters in Eisenberg and Johnson's Comprehensive Radiographic Pathology, 7th Edition, this workbook includes practical activities that help you better understand disease processes, their radiographic appearance, and their likely treatment. Each chapter includes objectives;...

7 038 ₽
Imaging Of Disorders Spanning The Spectrum From Childhood ,An Issue Of Radiologic Clinics Of North America,58-3
изд. 2020

Lee, Edward Y. Imaging Of Disorders Spanning The Spectrum From Childhood ,An Issue Of Radiologic Clinics Of North America,58-3

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Designed for use by pre- and in-service music teachers, Music Learning Today: Digital Pedagogy for Creating, Performing, and Responding to Music presents an approach to conceptualizing and utilizing technology as a tool for music learning. This updated second edition features up-to-date discussions ...
15 274 ₽
Introduction To Radiologic Technology
изд. 2019

Callaway, William J. Introduction To Radiologic Technology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
This timely book links the explosion of conspiracy theories about the U.S. government in recent years to the revelations of real government conspiracies. It traces anti-government theories from the birth of the modern state in World War I to the current war on terror. This 10th Anniversary Edition i...
9 031 ₽
Headache And Chiari Malformation, An Issue Of Neuroimaging Clinics Ofnorth America,29-2
изд. 2019

Salamon, Noriko Headache And Chiari Malformation, An Issue Of Neuroimaging Clinics Ofnorth America,29-2

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
This issue of Neuroimaging Clinics of North America focuses on Headache and Chiari Malformation, and is edited by Dr. Noriko Salamon. Articles will include: Adult headache and neuroimaging: Indication of neuroimaging in general and economical overview; Headache caused by intracranial hypotension CSF...
12 219 ₽
Thoracic Imaging: A Core Review
изд. 2020

Stephen Hobbs, Christian Cox Thoracic Imaging: A Core Review

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Prepare for success on the thoracic imaging component of the radiology Core Exam! Thoracic Imaging: A Core Review, 2nd Edition, is an up-to-date, practical review tool written specifically for the Core Exam. This helpful resource contains 300 image-rich, multiple-choice questions with detailed explanations...
12 355 ₽
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