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Медицинская радиология 157 книг
изд. 2023
Cross Molecular Imaging of Neurodegenerative Disorders
- изд. 2023
This book provides a comprehensive review of the role of molecular imaging in neurodegenerative diseases. A growing field, molecular imaging of neurodegeneration is becoming increasingly relevant with an aging population, and this book serves to provide both an introduction to the concept and backgr...
19 564 ₽
изд. 2023
Giovanella Integrated Diagnostics and Theranostics of Thyroid Diseases
- изд. 2023
This open access book provides basic concepts on Integrated Diagnostics and Theranostics with special emphasis on different human thyroid diseases. Thyroid diseases are increasingly detected (incidentally in many cases) but are clinically negligible in a significant proportion of patients. According...
5 589 ₽
изд. 2023
Bar-Sever A Practical Guide for Pediatric Nuclear Medicine
- изд. 2023
This open access book will provide a foundation for the understanding of, and knowledge for a successful routine use of diagnostic Nuclear Medicine procedures in children through expertise and cases provided by representative busy pediatric nuclear medicine facilities. The book highlights important ...
5 589 ₽
изд. 2023
Tandon Radiation Safety Guide for Nuclear Medicine Professionals
- изд. 2023
The book covers all the radiation safety aspects while working with unsealed radionuclides. Radiation safety plays a significant role in routine nuclear medicine practices and is necessary to protect occupational workers, patients, members of the general public and the environment. A fair knowledge ...
13 974 ₽
изд. 2023
Yao Atlas of PET/CT in Oncology - Volume 1
- изд. 2023
The atlas aims to help practitioners to interpret PET/CT images of tumors in brain, head and neck in a timely and accurate way. Illustrating in a case-based manner, the PET/CT appearances of glioma, meningioma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, eye tumors, ear and temporal bone tumors, and neck tumors are c...
20 962 ₽
изд. 2023
Witney Positron Emission Tomography
- изд. 2023
This detailed volume explores key concepts and experimental design related to Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging that have revolutionized our understanding of human biology. The first part focuses on recent advances in radiotracer probe development to enable the detection of materials, from ...
27 950 ₽
изд. 2023
Wong Phenotypic Oncology PET
- изд. 2023
This casebook details key information and findings in PET oncology imaging. PET CT has been increasingly utilized in clinical practice for diagnostic evaluation, initial staging and restaging of malignancies, and plays an important role in optimal patient care. Although F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)...
13 974 ₽
изд. 2023
Andreou Artificial Intelligence in PET/CT Oncologic Imaging
- изд. 2023
This book presents artificial intelligence applications that may help in detecting disease, defining tissue characterization (benign vs malignant), staging and correlation with molecular biomarkers. Originally positioned as a means for noninvasive molecular phenotyping and quantification in the 1970...
15 372 ₽
изд. 2024
Prasad Beyond Becquerel and Biology to Precision Radiomolecular Oncology: Festschrift in Honor of Richard P. Baum
- изд. 2024
This open access book is written by world-renowned experts on radiomolecular precision oncology to celebrate the work, life, principles and ideology of Richard P Baum. It includes commentaries, reviews and some thought provoking novel ideas on radionuclide precision oncology, covering topics such as...
5 589 ₽
изд. 2024
Prasad Beyond Becquerel and Biology to Precision Radiomolecular Oncology: Festschrift in Honor of Richard P. Baum
- изд. 2024
This open access book is written by world-renowned experts on radiomolecular precision oncology to celebrate the work, life, principles and ideology of Richard P Baum. It includes commentaries, reviews and some thought provoking novel ideas on radionuclide precision oncology, covering topics such as...
5 589 ₽
изд. 2024
Pathak Tools and Techniques in Radiation Biophysics
- изд. 2024
This textbook describes the study of radiation, covering the basic concepts and their advanced applications, and highlights the handling of radioisotopes and radiation measurements using various instruments. The book also focuses on the effects and up-to-date applications of radiation on biological ...
15 372 ₽
изд. 2023
Hans-Peter Weskott, Hubert Stiegler, Reinhard Kubale Vascular Ultrasound: B-Mode, Color Doppler and Duplex Ultrasound, Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound
- изд. 2023
An interdisciplinary guide to vascular color flow imaging and CEUS organized by anatomic region
The indications for vascular color duplex sonography (CDS) have expanded in recent years due to the availability of power Doppler, B-flow, ultrasound contrast agents, 3D reconstruction techniques, and fusion...
33 031 ₽
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