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Реанимация и интенсивная терапия 303 книги
изд. 2012
Tobin Principles And Practice Of Mechanical Ventilation
- изд. 2012
Provides comprehensive, authoritative coverage of all the clinical, pharmacological, and technical issues surrounding the use of mechanical ventilation. This book focuses on the biomedical principles that govern ventilator management; expert insights from contributors in critical care, pulmonary me...
27 834 ₽
изд. 2016
Zimmerman, Jerry J. Pediatric Critical Care. Fuhrman, Bradley P.Elsevier, 2016
- изд. 2016
Still the #1 resource for today's pediatric ICU teams, Pediatric Critical Care, 5th Edition covers the entire field, from basic science to cutting-edge clinical applications. Drs. Bradley P. Fuhrman and Jerry J. Zimmerman, accompanied by an expert team of editors and contributors from around the...
24138 ₽
21 724 ₽
изд. 2018
Esc textbook of cardiovascular medicine
- изд. 2018
Providing the background information behind clinical practice, with in-depth peer-reviewed articles and broad coverage of the field, The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine and its digital counterpart, ESC CardioMed, are invaluable resources for those working in cardiovascular medicine across t...
28 184 ₽
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