Реанимация и интенсивная терапия 303 книги
Case Files Critical Care
изд. 2017

Toy Case Files Critical Care

  • ENG
  • изд. 2017
Providing patients with competent clinical care, this book delivers 45 high-yield clinical cases that illustrate essential concepts in critical care. It also includes a complete discussion, clinical pearls, definitions of key terms, and USMLE-style review questions.
7 720 ₽
Critical Care Medicine
изд. 2017

Oropello Critical Care Medicine

  • ENG
  • изд. 2017
A practical, concise, and up-to-date reference for the ICU
20 419 ₽
Critical Care Emergency Medicine
изд. 2017

Farcy Critical Care Emergency Medicine

  • ENG
  • изд. 2017
Suitable for all clinicians who wish to understand the overlap between emergency medicine and critical care, this text focuses on critical care emergency medicine. It teaches emergency physicians everything they must know and do to better care for critically ill patients in an emergency department o...
32 087 ₽
Sepsis, An Issue of Critical Care Clinics,34-1
изд. 2018

Singer, Mervyn Sepsis, An Issue of Critical Care Clinics,34-1

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
One March morning, writer Floyd Skloot was inexplicably struck by an attack of unrelenting vertigo that ended 138 days later as suddenly as it had begun. With body and world askew, everything familiar had transformed. Nothing was ever still. Revertigo is Skloot`s account of that unceasingly vertigin...
9 961 ₽
Rapid Response Systems/Fluid Resuscitation, An Issue of Critical CareClinics,34-2
изд. 2018

DeVita, Michael Rapid Response Systems/Fluid Resuscitation, An Issue of Critical CareClinics,34-2

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
This issue of Critical Care Clinics focuses on Rapid Response Systems and Fluid Resuscitation, with topics including: RRS Now; Triggering Criteria; Surgery/Trauma RRT; Obstetric RRT; Difficult airway rapid response teams; Sepsis rapid response teams; Applied physiology of fluid resuscitation in crit...
9 961 ₽
Critical Care Medicine 5th edition
изд. 2018

John J. Marini Critical Care Medicine 5th edition

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

With a full-color design and concise, easy-to-read chapters, Critical Care Medicine: The Essentials and a Bit...
11 669 ₽
Mechanical Ventilation/Ventricular Assist Devices, An Issue of Critical Care Clinics,34-3
изд. 2018

Marini, John J. Mechanical Ventilation/Ventricular Assist Devices, An Issue of Critical Care Clinics,34-3

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
Presents the proceedings of an international conference in the field of nuclear security, held in December 2016. The publication contains the President`s summary, a summary of the ministerial segment, the full text of the ministerial declaration adopted by the conference, statements from the opening...
9 961 ₽
Prescription Drug Diversion and Pain
изд. 2018

John Peppin Prescription Drug Diversion and Pain

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
Prescription Drug Diversion and Pain provides an interdisciplinary overview of medications used to treat chronic pain, specifically the benefits and risks that are posed by long-term opioids use. These essential pain-relieving medications must be carefully managed to prevent serious side
effects that...
8 712 ₽
Manual washington de cuidados intensivos
изд. 2018

Kollef, Marin Manual washington de cuidados intensivos

  • изд. 2018
Esta tercera edici n de El manual Washington de cuidados intensivos, basado en sus dos ediciones anteriores y en El manual Washington de terap utica, tiene como objetivo ampliar los conocimientos en medicina de cuidados intensivos, as como atender las demandas de los profesionales de la salud que atienden...
9 953 ₽
Post-intensive Care Syndrome & Chronic Critical Illness, An Issue of Critical Care Clinics,34-4
изд. 2018

Hodgson, Carol Post-intensive Care Syndrome & Chronic Critical Illness, An Issue of Critical Care Clinics,34-4

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
This issue of Critical Care Clinics focuses on Post-intensive Care Syndrome & Chronic Critical Illness, with topics including: Chronic Critical Illness; Chronic Critical Illness and Predicting Outcomes; Persistent Critical Illness; Rehospitalization and Preventing CCI; Measuring Post-Intensive Care ...
9 961 ₽
Neonatal Nursing, An Issue of Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America,30-4
изд. 2018

Diehl, Beth C. Neonatal Nursing, An Issue of Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America,30-4

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
A two-act play based on the legendary Battle of Talikota in 1565 and the circumstances leading up to it. Central to the narrative is the story of the power-hungry `Aliya` Rama Raya, the successful son-in-law of the Vijayanagar emperor Krishna Deva Raya, his overarching ways, and his twisted attempts...
6 640 ₽
Critical Care of the Solid Organ Transplant Patient, An Issue of Critical Care Clinics,35-1
изд. 2018

McCurry, Kenneth Critical Care of the Solid Organ Transplant Patient, An Issue of Critical Care Clinics,35-1

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
A two-act play based on the legendary Battle of Talikota in 1565 and the circumstances leading up to it. Central to the narrative is the story of the power-hungry `Aliya` Rama Raya, the successful son-in-law of the Vijayanagar emperor Krishna Deva Raya, his overarching ways, and his twisted attempts...
9 961 ₽
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