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Неотложная помощь и медицина катастроф 673 книги
Cambridge Scholars Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press Academ Elsevier Science Eurospan Gazelle Book Services JayPee Brothers JayPee Brothers India John Wiley & Sons Limited Jones and Bartlett Publishers Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Little, Brown McGraw-Hill Nova Science Oxford Academ Springer Taylor&Francis-publisher Thieme Verlagsgruppe World Scientific Publishing (UK) Limited Логосфера Неизвестно
изд. 2023
Holzhauser Handbuch der gefahrlichen Guter. Transport- und Gefahrenklassen. Austauschlieferung, Dezember 2023
- изд. 2023
16 849 ₽
изд. 2023
Augustin Acute Abdomen During Pregnancy
- изд. 2023
This is the third edition of a well-received book that reflects the state of the art in the diagnosis and treatment of acute abdominal disorders in pregnant patients, ranging from very rare to more common ones, such as acute appendicitis and acute cholecystitis. The book emphasizes the importance of...
25 155 ₽
изд. 2023
Esquinas Upper Airway Disorders and Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation
- изд. 2023
This book analyses the basic rationale of noninvasive respiratory management in upper airways medical and perioperative disorders and key interactions and clinical implications. It offers key diagnostic tools to detect early and late failure of upper airway disorders whit a noninvasive approach. Fur...
18 167 ₽
изд. 2023
Haddad Jr. Envenomations Caused by Animals
- изд. 2023
About 90% of the injuries caused by venomous and poisonous animals are manifested by cutaneous signs, due to the inflammatory and necrotic characteristics of various toxins. Even when there are no initial changes in the skin, these can appear in later stages. Therefore, it is necessary for health pr...
20 962 ₽
изд. 2023
P'rez-Torres Best 2022 Clinical Cases in Intensive Care Medicine
- изд. 2023
The aim of this book, part of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) textbook series and designed by the NEXT Committee of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, is to provide the readers with a unique review of the main syndromes in Intensive Care Medicine by means of a c...
12 577 ₽
изд. 2023
Servillo Non-invasive Mechanical Ventilation in Critical Care, Anesthesiology and Palliative Care
- изд. 2023
This book provides an easy, modern and practical way for physicians to approach the world of noninvasive mechanical ventilation (NIMV). Noninvasive ventilation is well-established and increasingly used in routine clinical practice. However, some concepts and techniques of NIMV may be difficult to gr...
19 564 ₽
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