Психотерапия 627 книг
Neurocognitive Rehabilitation of Down Syndrome
изд. 2011

Rondal Neurocognitive Rehabilitation of Down Syndrome

  • ENG
  • изд. 2011
Down syndrome is one of the most commonly occurring developmental disorders and it is now possible to define opportunities for neurocognitive rehabilitation of those with the condition. This book describes how early cognitive intervention in children can be carried out, and can reduce, or compensate...
7720 ₽   5 404 ₽
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy
изд. 2004

Mcwilliams, Nancy (graduate School Of Applied And Professional Psychology, Rutgers, The State University Of New Jersey, Piscataway) Psychoanalytic psychotherapy

  • ENG
  • изд. 2004
Building on the enormous popularity of her two previous texts on diagnosis and case formulation, this important work from Nancy McWilliams completes the trilogy by addressing in detail the art of psychodynamic treatment.
8150 ₽   5 705 ₽
Bergin and Garfield's Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change
изд. 2021

Michael J. Lambert, Allen E. Bergin / Майкл Дж. Ламберт Bergin and Garfield's Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change

  • ENG
  • изд. 2021
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of a best-selling and renowned reference in psychotherapy research and practice.

Now celebrating its 50th anniversary and in its seventh edition, Bergin and Garfield's Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change, maintains its position as the essential reference...
18867 ₽   16 980 ₽
The Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, 6 ed
изд. 2021

Berghuis David J., Peterson L. Mark, Bruce Timothy / Дэвид Дж. Бергуис The Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, 6 ed

  • ENG
  • изд. 2021
Diese Reihe hilft, den Prozess der Behandlungsplanung klarzustellen, zu vereinfachen und zu beschleunigen, so dass Klinikдrzte mehr Zeit mit den Patienten verbringen kцnnen und weniger Zeit mit Schreib- und BГ1/4roarbeit.
9944 ₽   8 950 ₽
Understanding Forgiveness and Addiction
изд. 2020

Webb, Jon R. Understanding Forgiveness and Addiction

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
This book integrates and synthesizes numerous empirically supported positive psychological constructs and psychotherapeutic theories to help understand addiction and facilitate recovery through the lens of forgiveness.
6290 ₽   4 403 ₽
Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Third Edition: Basics and Beyond
изд. 2020

Beck Judith S. / Джудит С. Бек Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Third Edition: Basics and Beyond

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Hundreds of thousands of clinicians and graduate students have relied on this text--now significantly revised with more than 50% new material--to learn the fundamentals of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT).
8 965 ₽
Oxford handbook of Psychiatry 4 ed.
изд. 2019

David Semple / Дэвид Семпль Oxford handbook of Psychiatry 4 ed.

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
This Handbook is the comprehensive, indispensible guide to the practice of psychiatry for health professionals of all levels of experience. Fully updated with the latest research and legislature, it provides practical guidance on diagnosis, management, and best practice by subspecialty.
6 519 ₽
Medical Psychotherapy
изд. 2016

Yakeley Jessica / Джессика Якели Medical Psychotherapy

  • ENG
  • изд. 2016
Medical Psychotherapy is part of the on-going Oxford Specialist Handbooks in Psychiatry series. The book provides an accessible account to the wide range of psychological therapies for doctors and allied health professionals.
10 982 ₽
Cambridge Guide to Schema Therapy
изд. 2023

Christopher Hayes, Matthew Smout, Remco van der Wi / Крис Хэйес Cambridge Guide to Schema Therapy

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
The book provides the reader with a thorough understanding of the model of Schema Therapy, methods and techniques used throughout the process of Schema Therapy treatment. Experienced trainers in Schema Therapy, the authors provide a unique understanding of the questions, challenges, and points of is...
6 004 ₽
Effective Psychotherapists: Clinical Skills That Improve Client Outcomes
изд. 2021

Miller William R., Moyers Theresa B. Effective Psychotherapists: Clinical Skills That Improve Client Outcomes

  • ENG
  • изд. 2021
What is it that makes some therapists so much more effective than others, even when they are delivering the same evidence-based treatment' This instructive book identifies specific interpersonal skills and attitudes--often overlooked in clinical training--that facilitate better client outcomes ...
4 289 ₽
Affective neuroscience in psychotherapy
изд. 2021

Stevens, Francis L. / Франсис Л. Стивенс Affective neuroscience in psychotherapy

  • ENG
  • изд. 2021
Most psychological disorders involve distressful emotions, yet emotions are often regarded as secondary in the etiology and treatment of psychopathology. This book offers an alternative model of psychotherapy, using the patient`s emotions as the focal point of treatment.
5 032 ₽
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