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Психиатрия 830 книг
Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press Academ Elsevier Science Eurospan JayPee Brothers JayPee Brothers India John Wiley & Sons Limited Jones and Bartlett Publishers Lippincott Williams & Wilkins MIT Press McGraw-Hill Oxford Academ Oxford University Press Springer Taylor&Francis-publisher World Scientific Publishing (UK) Limited Неизвестно
изд. 2020
Steve Sussman The Cambridge Handbook of Substance and Behavioral Addictions
- изд. 2020
This is a key guidebook for all those interested in the breadth and depth of addiction processes. It provides an understanding of substance and behavioral addictions` conceptual underpinnings, etiology, prevention, and treatment. Written by leaders in the addictions field, this handbook pushes resea...
9 344 ₽
изд. 2020
Carl W. Lejuez, Kim L. Gratz The Cambridge Handbook of Personality Disorders
- изд. 2020
This book is an essential resource for the rapidly evolving field of personality disorders for researchers and clinicians at all career stages in disciplines including psychology, psychiatry, social work, and nursing. It covers the causes, course, assessment, and treatment of personality disorders w...
9 344 ₽
изд. 2020
Lucia De Haene, Cecile Rousseau Working with Refugee Families : Trauma and Exile in Family Relationships
- изд. 2020
Refugee family relationships play a key role in coping with trauma and migration. This book explores these relationships in exile and how they shape trajectories of meaning-making and coping with violence and displacement. The book documents different modalities of refugee family interventions in cl...
8 869 ₽
изд. 2020
Steve Sussman The Cambridge Handbook of Substance and Behavioral Addictions
- изд. 2020
Written by psychologists, historians, and lawyers, this handbook demonstrates the central role psychological science plays in addressing some of the world's most pressing problems. Over 100 experts from around the world work together to supply an integrated history of human rights and psycholog...
28 987 ₽
изд. 2020
Carl W. Lejuez, Kim L. Gratz The Cambridge Handbook of Personality Disorders
- изд. 2020
This Handbook provides both breadth and depth regarding current approaches to the understanding, assessment, and treatment of personality disorders. The five parts of the book address etiology; models; individual disorders and clusters; assessment; and treatment. A comprehensive picture of personali...
28 987 ₽
изд. 2019
Lara J. Farrell, Thomas H. Ollendick, Peter Muris Innovations in CBT for Childhood Anxiety, OCD, and PTSD: Improving Access and Outcomes
- изд. 2019
The book collates the latest innovations in cognitive behavioral therapy for child and adolescent anxiety disorders, OCD and PTSD.
16 632 ₽
изд. 2019
Martin Sellbom, Julie A. Suhr The Cambridge Handbook of Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis
- изд. 2019
This Handbook gives interpretive and practical recommendations for graduate students, researchers, and clinicians conducting clinical assessments across a number of settings. Written by experts in the field, each chapter provides a contemporary and research-informed review of the topics essential to...
28 987 ₽
изд. 2019
Stephen Hupp Pseudoscience in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy: A Skeptical Field Guide
- изд. 2019
This book identifies ineffective and harmful treatments for every major mental health issue affecting youth and instead proposes strong evidence-based treatments. Written by experts from academia, hospitals, and private practice, it is the ideal resource to inform practitioners, students, and resear...
15 048 ₽
изд. 2020
Meagher, David Problem-Based Psychiatry
- изд. 2020
Problem-Based Psychiatry is a comprehensive resource covering the key principles of evidence-based approaches to diagnosis and treatment of the full range of psychiatric disorders.
The text is highly engaging and interactive. It offers a unique patient-centred, multidisciplinary perspective, taking ...
7 072 ₽
изд. 2020
Stewart, Altha J. Achieving Mental Health Equity, An Issue Of Psychiatric Clinics Of North America,43-3
- изд. 2020
This issue of Psychiatric Clinics, guest edited by Drs. Altha J. Stewart and Ruth Shim is entitled Achieving Mental Health Equity. This issue is one of four each year selected by our series consulting editor, Dr. Harsh Trivedi of Sheppard Pratt Health System. Topics in this issue include: The Busine...
11 156 ₽
изд. 2020
Wisner Carlson, Robert w Autism Spectrum Disorder Across The Lifespan Part Ii, An Issue Of Child And Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics Of North America,29-3
- изд. 2020
This issue of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics, guest edited by Drs. Robert Wisner-Carlson, Thomas Flis, Scott Pekrul and Robert Schloesser, will cover key topics of importance surrounding Autism Spectrum Disorders Across the Lifespan. This issue is Part II of II and one of four selected eac...
11 156 ₽
изд. 2020
Eapen, Blessen Brain Injury Medicine
- изд. 2020
The only review book currently available in this complex field, Brain Injury Medicine: Board Review focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and management of individuals with varying severity levels of brain injury. Focused, high-yield content prepares you for success on exams and in practice,...
15 008 ₽
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