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Психиатрия 830 книг
Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press Academ Elsevier Science Eurospan JayPee Brothers JayPee Brothers India John Wiley & Sons Limited Jones and Bartlett Publishers Lippincott Williams & Wilkins MIT Press McGraw-Hill Oxford Academ Oxford University Press Springer Taylor&Francis-publisher World Scientific Publishing (UK) Limited Неизвестно
изд. 2020
Bhaumik Sabayasachi Oxford Textbook of the Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability
- изд. 2020
Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability is the definitive resource on the subject. Written and edited by world-renowned experts with decades of experience in the field, each chapter provides reliable evidence and practical advice for clinical situations, with multiple choice questio...
17 424 ₽
изд. 2020
De Haan, Sanneke (tilburg University, The Netherlands) Enactive psychiatry
- изд. 2020
Written for psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists and philosophers, Enactive Psychiatry provides a model that connects the factors at play in the development and treatment of psychiatric disorders. It also introduces readers to philosophical issues relating to psychiatry, such as the mind-bod...
15 840 ₽
изд. 2020
Campling, Penelope Ballatt, John Maloney, Chris Intelligent kindness
- изд. 2020
At a time of renewed concern about health, social care, and national unity, the authors reassert the value of the Welfare State for society as a whole, not simply for those in need. Years of relentless regulatory and structural reforms have not prevented scandals, yet have exhausted, demoralised and...
3 166 ₽
изд. 2020
Jane Morriss, Caz Nahman New to Eating Disorders
- изд. 2020
Developed by the Faculty of Eating Disorders Executive Committee of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, this book addresses the need for materials to teach healthcare professionals working in mental health about eating disorders. Currently, there are many clinicians working in general adult or child...
3 483 ₽
изд. 2020
Peter M. Haddad, David J. Nutt Seminars in Clinical Psychopharmacology
- изд. 2020
This greatly expanded third edition provides a comprehensive overview of clinical psychopharmacology, incorporating the major advances in the field since the previous edition's publication. Renowned experts from psychiatry, pharmacy, and nursing have integrated basic science, psychopharmacology...
7 918 ₽
изд. 2020
Mike Slade, Graham Thornicroft Camberwell Assessment of Need (CAN)
- изд. 2020
The Camberwell Assessment of Need (CAN) has been the key measure for assessing the health and social needs of people with mental health problems for two decades. Aimed at mental health workers or researchers, it is suitable for clinical use in both community-based and hospital-based mental health se...
7 443 ₽
изд. 2019
Richard Williams, Verity Kemp, S. Alexander Haslam, Catherine Haslam, Kamaldeep S. Bhui, Susan Bailey Social Scaffolding: Applying the Lessons of Contemporary Social Science to Health and Healthcare
- изд. 2019
Using current societal dilemmas, this book explores how social factors and social identity influence our health and recovery from illness. It includes recent research to present practitioners, researchers, policymakers and students of many disciplines with the material to support them in better harn...
7 443 ₽
изд. 2020
Waguih William IsHak The Handbook of Wellness Medicine
- изд. 2020
The Handbook of Wellness Medicine presents scientific wellness interventions to assist healthcare professionals. This invaluable resource supports primary care physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, mental health clinicians, nurse practitioners, internists, social workers, and the growing world o...
8 869 ₽
изд. 2020
John Martin-Joy Diagnosing from a Distance: Debates over Libel Law, Media, and Psychiatric Ethics from Barry Goldwater to Donald Trump
- изд. 2020
A controversy is raging over whether it is ethical for psychiatrists to comment on the mental health of public figures. This book is a gripping exploration of the so-called `Goldwater Rule`, from its origins with Barry Goldwater in the 1960s to its consequences today in the age of Donald Trump.
3 642 ₽
изд. 2020
John Martin-Joy Diagnosing from a Distance: Debates over Libel Law, Media, and Psychiatric Ethics from Barry Goldwater to Donald Trump
- изд. 2020
A controversy is raging over whether it is ethical for psychiatrists to comment on the mental health of public figures. This book is a gripping exploration of the so-called `Goldwater Rule`, from its origins with Barry Goldwater in the 1960s to its consequences today in the age of Donald Trump.
9 187 ₽
изд. 2019
Mark Scheepers, Mike Kerr Seminars in the Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability
- изд. 2019
Following an increased global interest in the topic, this vital, wide-ranging text is key for practitioners and trainees in psychiatry, health services and lay readers with a connection to those with an intellectual disability. This high-quality, informative third edition features cutting-edge resea...
6 968 ₽
изд. 2020
Michael I. Casher, Joshua D. Bess Manual of Inpatient Psychiatry
- изд. 2020
A practical guide to the diagnoses found on inpatient psychiatric units, covering topics such as schizophrenia, dementia, and borderline personality disorder. Discusses new advances in treatment such as ketamine and chronotherapy. Key information for diagnostic criteria and medication effects are al...
6 861 ₽
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