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Медицинская микробиология и вирусология 449 книг
изд. 2017
Gary W. Procop, Elmer W. Koneman Koneman. Diagn'stico microbiol'gico: Texto y atlas
- изд. 2017
Desde su primera edicion, hace ya casi 40 anos,Koneman. Diagnostico microbiologico. Texto y atlas se ha convertido en la obra de referencia indiscutible para el diagnostico etiologico de las enfermedades infecciosas. Su contenido hace un abordaje completo de los fundamentos y de los procedimientos ...
24 986 ₽
изд. 2018
Patricia Marques Human Microbiota and Microbiome
- изд. 2018
After the Human Genome Project was concluded, it was discovered that our genome is much smaller than expected (overall human genome is ~3.08'Gb), which led scientists to think that this has to do with the symbiotic relationships between Humans and the microorganisms inhabiting in the different...
19 712 ₽
изд. 2018
Oxford Textbook of Medical Mycology
- изд. 2018
Part of the Oxford Textbook in Infectious Disease and Microbiology series, this comprehensive reference unites the science and medicine of human fungal disease. Written by a leading group of international authors, topics include recent developments in taxonomy, fungal genetics and other omics, epid...
14 380 ₽
изд. 2016
Powderly, William G. Opal, Steven M. Infectious Diseases, 2-Volume Set, 4th Edition
- изд. 2016
Drs. Cohen, Powderly and Opal, three of the most-respected names in infectious disease medicine, lead a diverse team of international contributors to bring you the latest knowledge and best practices. Extensively updated, the fourth edition includes brand-new information on advances in diagnosis of...
30722 ₽
27 650 ₽
изд. 2020
Bridle, Helen Waterborne Pathogens, Detection Methods And Applications
- изд. 2020
Waterborne Pathogens, Detection Methods and Applications, Second Edition gives an overview of advanced and emerging technologies in the detection of a range of waterborne pathogens. In addition, the book presents existing methodologies, highlights where improvements can be made, includes applications,...
18 216 ₽
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