Патологическая анатомия 1155 книг
Netter's Illustrated Human Pathology Updated Edition,
изд. 2013

Buj L. Maximilian Netter's Illustrated Human Pathology Updated Edition,

  • ENG
  • изд. 2013
provides representations of common human diseases by relating anatomical changes to the functional and clinical manifestations of disease and their underlying causes and mechanisms. This book offers a complement to more comprehensive textbooks and presentations of pathology, including course syllabi...
7578 ₽   5 305 ₽
101 Medical Autopsy Cases, adult and pediatric: with complete pathological/clinical details and review of literature
изд. 2019

Nandita Bharadwaj Kakkar / Нандита Бхарадвадж Каккар 101 Medical Autopsy Cases, adult and pediatric: with complete pathological/clinical details and review of literature

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
Provides a comprehensive description of 101 medical autopsy cases (48 adult and 53 paediatric) with their complete clinical and pathological details. Each case is unique and has been discussed in a simple, practical, straightforward, but comprehensive manner.
23889 ₽   21 500 ₽
Review of Microbiology & Immunology
изд. 2020

S Apurba Sastry, Sandhya Bhat / С. Апурба Састри Review of Microbiology & Immunology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
This revised edition is for second year MBBS students to prepare for their MBBS exam as well as for the PG entrances. The chapter review part of each chapter is revised and updated in such a way that by studying this book, the students can easily solve the long essays, short notes of MBBS exams as w...
8402 ₽   6 722 ₽
Competency Based Practical Manual For Microbiology As Per The Competencey Based Curriculum (Mci)
изд. 2021

Bhumbla Upasana / Упасана Бхумбла Competency Based Practical Manual For Microbiology As Per The Competencey Based Curriculum (Mci)

  • GER
  • изд. 2021
The textbook in an introduction to the reading, preparation, and interpretation of drawings aimed at both beginners and practicing engineers. The basics of engineering graphics are discussed in detail, as well as the guidelines from the various codes published by Bureau of Indian Standard. The text ...
3887 ₽   3 110 ₽
WHO Classification of Skin Tumours. 4 ed.
изд. 2018

Elder D. E., Massi D., Scolyer R. WHO Classification of Skin Tumours. 4 ed.

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
The WHO Classification of Skin Tumours is the 11th volume in the 4th edition of the WHO series on the classification of human tumours. The series (also known as the Blue Books) has long been regarded by pathologists as the gold standard for the diagnosis of tumours, and it is an indispensable guide ...
23277 ₽   18 622 ₽
Who Classification of Digestive System Tumours. 5 ed
изд. 2019

Who Classification of Digestive System Tumours. 5 ed

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
Digestive System Tumours is the first volume in the fifth edition of the WHO series on the classification of human tumors. This series (also known as the WHO Blue Books) is regarded as the gold standard for the diagnosis of tumors and comprises a unique synthesis of histopathological diagnosis with ...
25864 ₽   18 105 ₽
Brs Pathology 6E (Int Ed) Pb
изд. 2020

Gupta / Гупта Brs Pathology 6E (Int Ed) Pb

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
This powerful, easy-to-use resource presents the essentials of pathology in the popular Board Review Series outline format that highlights the most tested topics for the USMLE Step 1. Packed with new content; high-yield topics; concise descriptions; more than 450 USMLE-style questions with complete ...
8151 ₽   7 336 ₽
Wilcox's Surgical Anatomy of the Heart
изд. 2024

Andrew C. Cook, Anthony M. Hlavacek, Carl L. Backe / Эндрю Кук Wilcox's Surgical Anatomy of the Heart

  • ENG
  • изд. 2024
This classic textbook on cardiac anatomy has been updated in its fifth edition with additional high quality surgical and pathological photographs, as well as new information and recent findings of the last decade. Beginning with an overview of surgical approaches to the heart, the book goes on to di...
28512 ₽   25 661 ₽
Metabolomics and Microbiomics
изд. 2016

Fanos, Vassilios Metabolomics and Microbiomics

  • ENG
  • изд. 2016
. Metabolomics and Microbiomics: Personalized Medicine from the Fetus to the Adult encompasses the most recent advances on the usage of metabolomics and microbiome research to improve disease diagnosis and healthcare. Medicine is changing from epidemiologic, descriptive, reductionist, and reactive a...
13980 ₽   9 786 ₽
Essentials Of Microbiology
изд. 2020

Rajan S / Раджан Essentials Of Microbiology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
This textbook is for all students of life science prepared by authors with long experience in the field of microbiology teaching and research. It provides ample information on the basic and applied concepts of microbiology. The text divided into 17 chapters, provides basic information related to res...
6218 ₽   4 353 ₽
Preparatory Manual Of Pathology
изд. 2019

Pruthi S K / Прутхи Preparatory Manual Of Pathology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
This is the first book of its type meant for medical laboratory technology students, covering all theoretical and practical aspects related to pathology. It is written in a simple manner so that the student can grasp the subject and can recall it easily while writing exams. Wherever required, flowcharts,...
3396 ₽   2 377 ₽
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