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Другие разделы медицины 8136 книг
Alpha Science CBS PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS Cambridge Scholars Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press Academ Elsevier India Elsevier Science Eurospan Gazelle Book Services Humankinetics JayPee Brothers JayPee Brothers India John Wiley & Sons Limited Jones and Bartlett Publishers Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Little, Brown MIT Press McGraw-Hill Nova Science Nova Science Oxford Academ Oxford University Press Sage Publications Springer Taylor&Francis-publisher Thieme Verlagsgruppe World Health Organization World Scientific Publishing (UK) Limited Логосфера Неизвестно
изд. 2018
Rigopoulos Onychomycosis: diagnosis and effective management
- изд. 2018
The definitive guide to one of the world s most prevalent dermatologic conditions
Onychomycosis is a fungal nail disease that accounts for 40% of all nail disorders, affecting 1 out of 10 people at some stage in their lives.
10 394 ₽
изд. 2018
Bretschneider, Pam Esther m. wilkins story
- изд. 2018
Don't miss this inspiring look inside the life of Esther M. Wilkins, RDH, DMD, the pioneering author, teacher, advocate, and mentor affectionately known as the godmother of dental hygiene When Esther passed away in 2016, just three days after her 100th birthday, she left behind a legacy of excellence...
2193 ₽
1 974 ₽
изд. 2018
Gehrig, Sroda & Saccuzzo Fundamentals of periodontal instrumentation and advanced root instrumentation
- изд. 2018
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.
Walking dental hygiene students step-by-step through the how to --not just the what and why --of using periodontal...
Walking dental hygiene students step-by-step through the how to --not just the what and why --of using periodontal...
9 587 ₽
изд. 2019
Harrington Anne Mind Fixers: Psychiatry's Troubled Search for the Biology of Mental Illness
- изд. 2019
In the 1980s, American psychiatry announced that it was time to toss aside Freudian ideas of mental disorder because the true path to understanding and treating mental illness lay in brain science, biochemistry, and drugs. This sudden call to revolution, however, was not driven by any scientific breakthroughs....
2 309 ₽
изд. 2018
Bowers Rick Green's Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychopharmacology
- изд. 2018
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.
The sixth edition of this classic text continues to provide clinically-oriented information on medications...
The sixth edition of this classic text continues to provide clinically-oriented information on medications...
8316 ₽
7 484 ₽
изд. 2018
David W. Kissane, Oxford textbook of communication in oncology and palliative care
- изд. 2018
Communication is a core skill for medical professionals when treating patients. Cancer and palliative care present some of the most challenging clinical situations. This book provides evidence-based guidelines alongside case examples, tips, and strategies to achieve effective, patient-centred commu...
4 485 ₽
изд. 2018
Dive, Alka Mukund Practical Manual on Oral Histology and Oral Pathology
- изд. 2018
1 201 ₽
изд. 2019
Herron Abigail / Херрон Абигейл The ASAM Essentials of Addiction Medicine
- изд. 2019
Derived from ASAM's definitive work , Principles of Addiction Medicine, 6th Edition, this companion resource is ideal for residents, fellows, and practitioners in psychiatry, as well as addiction medicine specialists and other healthcare workers who provide care to patients with substance use...
10 582 ₽
изд. 2019
Craig Clin Calculat Made Easy 7E (Int Ed) Pb
- изд. 2019
Teach your students how to effectively and safely calculate medication dosages with Clinical Calculations Made Easy: Solving Problems Using Dimensional Analysis, 7E. With many examples and in-chapter exercises, provides the opportunity for students to gain ability and confidence in the material bef...
8 008 ₽
изд. 2019
Karch Amy M. / Эми М. Карх Focus Nursing Pharmacol 8E (Int Ed) Pb
- изд. 2019
The eighth edition of Focus on Nursing Pharmacology is based on the premise that students first need to have a solid and clearly focused concept of the principles of drug therapy before they can easily grasp the myriad details associated with individual drugs. Armed with a fundamental knowledge of ...
8 580 ₽
изд. 2019
Buchholz Henkes Med Math 9E (Int Ed) Pb
- изд. 2019
Learn how to sail the world`s most popular junior sailing boat fast. Originally written by Ben Ainslie`s Optimist coach, this new edition has been completely updated by top coach Steve Irish. It shows how to achieve blistering boatspeed through technique and tuning, perfect boat handling and tactic...
8 008 ₽
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