Перинатология и ведение осложнённых беременностей 81 книга
Health Impacts of Developmental Exposure to Environmental Chemicals
изд. 2020

Kishi Health Impacts of Developmental Exposure to Environmental Chemicals

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
This book provides concise and cutting-edge studies on threats resulting from exposure to environmental chemicals that can affect human health and development, with a particular emphasis on the DOHaD concept.
15 372 ₽
Women's Health in Autoimmune Diseases
изд. 2020

Sharma, Shefali Khanna / Шефали Ханна Шарма Women's Health in Autoimmune Diseases

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
This book focuses on conveying autoimmune disease expertise to gynecologists and other clinicians, allowing them to approach the treatment of each disease in a pragmatic manner.
15 372 ₽
Perinatal Inflammation and Adult Psychopathology
изд. 2020

Teixeira Perinatal Inflammation and Adult Psychopathology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020

Perinatal psychiatry is an emerging field that investigates the role of perinatal events - for example pregnancy complications and infections - in the development of neuropsychiatric conditions, such as schizophrenia and mood disorders. Among the implicated pathological mechanisms, perinatal-induced...

23 757 ₽
Pregnant in the Time of Ebola: Women and Their Children in the 2013-2015 West African Epidemic
изд. 2019

Schwartz David A., Anoko Julienne Ngoundoung, Abramowitz Sharon A. Pregnant in the Time of Ebola: Women and Their Children in the 2013-2015 West African Epidemic

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
This comprehensive account of the deadliest Ebola outbreak in history examines its devastating effects on West Africa's most vulnerable populations: pregnant women and children. Noted experts across disciplines assess health care systems' responses to the epidemic in Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra...
18 167 ₽
New International Frontiers in Child Sexual Abuse
изд. 2019

Mathews New International Frontiers in Child Sexual Abuse

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019

This book offers a timely and detailed exploration and analysis of key contemporary issues and challenges in child sexual abuse, which holds great relevance for scholarly, legal, policy, professional and clinical audiences worldwide. The book draws together the best current evidence about the nature,...

12 577 ₽
African Womanhood and Incontinent Bodies
изд. 2019

Gatwiri African Womanhood and Incontinent Bodies

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
Kenyan Women with Vaginal Fistulas
11 179 ₽
Pathology of the Placenta
изд. 2019

Khong Pathology of the Placenta

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
This book provides a comprehensive resource on the pathology of the human singleton placenta. Agreed nomenclature, nosology, definitions and, where possible, thresholds for meaningful clinical corrections for lesions ideal for practical application in clinical practice are presented. Evidence is als...
18 167 ₽
Maternal Health and American Cultural Values
изд. 2023

Anderson Maternal Health and American Cultural Values

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
This book uniquely explores American cultural values as a factor in maternal health. It looks beyond the social determinants of health as primarily contributing to the escalating maternal morbidity and mortality in the United States. The United States is an outlier with poor maternal health outcomes...
10 480 ₽
The Placenta
изд. 2023

Huppertz The Placenta

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
This book is a comprehensive work that spans the gap between basic knowledge and clinical significance of the placenta. Starting from normal development, it deals with the histopathology of the placenta, leads the reader on to functional disorders and insufficiencies and explains their effects on mo...
13 974 ₽
Fetal monitoring in practice
изд. 2023

Fetal monitoring in practice

  • изд. 2023
6 230 ₽
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