Урология и урогенитальная медицина 249 книг
Manual De Urologia Pediatrica 3E Pb
изд. 2020

Baskin Manual De Urologia Pediatrica 3E Pb

  • изд. 2020
Presentado a todo color y ampliamente ilustrado, Manual de urolog a pedi trica expone una comprensi n m s clara del diagn stico y tratamiento de los principales trastornos y afecciones urol gicas en lactantes, ni os, y adolescentes. Perfecto para un amplio rango de lectores: ur logos pediatras, residentes...
8 923 ₽
Manual of Urodynamics for Gynaecologists
изд. 2020

Ranee Thakar, Philip Toozs-Hobson, Lucia Dolan Manual of Urodynamics for Gynaecologists

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
This concise guide provides the essential information needed to perform high-quality urodynamic investigations. It covers topics ranging from setting up urodynamic equipment to performing individual tests, such as cystometry, videocystourethrography and ambulatory monitoring. Primarily written for t...
6 968 ₽
Advanced And Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinomato, An Issue Of Urologic Clinics,47-4
изд. 2020

Huang, William C. Advanced And Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinomato, An Issue Of Urologic Clinics,47-4

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
The guest editors, Dr. William Huang and Dr. Ezequiel Becher, have assembled a state-of-the art issue devoted to Advanced and Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC). They have secured expert authors to contribute clinical reviews on the important topics involving treating and managing patients with R...
12 219 ₽
Cancer Immunotherapy In Urology, An Issue Of Urologic Clinics,47-3
изд. 2020

Nair, Sujit S Cancer Immunotherapy In Urology, An Issue Of Urologic Clinics,47-3

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
The Guest Editors of this issue of Urologic Clinics of North America have put together a comprehensive collection of articles that provides the current knowledge on urologic cancer immunotherapy. Expert authors have contributed clinical review articles on the following topics: Era of personalized va...
12 219 ₽
изд. 2020

Leonard, Michael P. Ureteroceles

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020

Ureteroceles: Contemporary Diagnosis and Management provides an evidence-based review of current diagnosis and management options for patients with ureteroceles. With the advent of antenatal ultrasound screening, ureteroceles are presenting earlier, often in asymptomatic patients, proving the need for...

21 728 ₽
Peyronie'S Disease: Pathophysiology And Treatment
изд. 2020

Russo, Giorgio Ivan Peyronie'S Disease: Pathophysiology And Treatment

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020

Peyronie's Disease: Pathophysiology and Treatment combines the basic research of Peyronie's Disease with an overview of the clinical and practical management of the disease, providing the most comprehensive approach. Coverage includes etiology and psychological aspects of the disease, management...

19 260 ₽
Male Infertility,An Issue Of Urologic Clinics,47-2
изд. 2020

Hotaling, James M. Male Infertility,An Issue Of Urologic Clinics,47-2

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Together with Consulting Editor Dr. Samir Taneja, Dr. Badrinath Konety has put together a comprehensive issue that addresses the latest clinical updates in Male Infertility. Expert authors have contributed clinical review articles on the following topics: Cutting edge evaluation in male infertility;...
12 219 ₽
Diet And Fighting Bladder Cancer
изд. 2019

Zeegers, Maurice P. Diet And Fighting Bladder Cancer

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019

This book is partly based on research funded by Wereld Kanker Onderzoek Fonds based in the Netherlands and administered by the World Cancer Research Fund International grant program.

Every year half a million of people worldwide are diagnosed with bladder cancer. With the recent zeitgeist of the self-empowered,...

11 682 ₽
изд. 2019

Lee, King C. Nocturia

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
Hydropedology is a microcosm for what is happening in Soil Science. This title brings together pedology (soil characteristics) with hydrology (movement of water) to understand and achieve the goals associated with modern soil science. It includes case studies that demonstrate the need for hydropedol...
19 127 ₽
Urology, An Issue Of Primary Care: Clinics In Office Practice,46-2
изд. 2019

Irwin, Gretchen Urology, An Issue Of Primary Care: Clinics In Office Practice,46-2

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
A two-act play based on the legendary Battle of Talikota in 1565 and the circumstances leading up to it. Central to the narrative is the story of the power-hungry `Aliya` Rama Raya, the successful son-in-law of the Vijayanagar emperor Krishna Deva Raya, his overarching ways, and his twisted attempts...
9 961 ₽
Emerging Technologies In Renal Stone Management, An Issue Of Urologicclinics,46-2
изд. 2019

Shah, Ojas Emerging Technologies In Renal Stone Management, An Issue Of Urologicclinics,46-2

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
Conceptual engineering is a newly flourishing branch of philosophy which investigates problems with our concepts and considers how they might be ameliorated: `truth`, for instance, is susceptible to paradox, and it`s not clear what `race` stands for. This is the first collective exploration of possi...
12 219 ₽
изд. 2020

Jefferis, Helen (obstetrics And Gynaecology Locum, Obstetrics And Gynaecology Locum, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford University Hospitals Nhs Foundati Urogynaecology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
The Oxford Specialist Handbook of Urogynaecology is a compact and comprehensive guide to all aspects of pelvic floor function and dysfunction. Ideal for the Gynaecology trainee, it includes approaches to assessment and management in all compartments, as well as chapters on special groups such as chi...
6 810 ₽
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