Офтальмология 412 книг
Ophthalmology Review: A Case-Study Approach
изд. 2018

Kuldev Singh, William E. Smiddy, Andrew G. Lee / Сингх Кудлев Ophthalmology Review: A Case-Study Approach

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
Ophthalmology Review: A Case-Study Approach, Second Edition by renowned experts Kuldev Singh, William Smiddy, and Andrew Lee is a practical, case-based reference covering a wide array of common to serious ophthalmic conditions encountered in daily practice. The new edition reflects significant advan...
17 341 ₽
Oculoplastic Surgery
изд. 2018

Leatherbarrow Brian / Брайен Литербэрроу Oculoplastic Surgery

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018

The definitive resource on reconstructive and aesthetic oculo-facial surgery

Oculoplastic Surgery, Third Edition by Brian Leatherbarrow, reflects more than 25 years of experience and multidisciplinary collaboration in treating patients with a wide spectrum of oculoplastic, orbital, and lacrimal conditions....

44 593 ₽
Handbook of Nutrition, Diet, and the Eye
изд. 2019

Preedy, Victor Handbook of Nutrition, Diet, and the Eye

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019

Handbook of Nutrition, Diet, and the Eye, Second Edition, thoroughly addresses common features and etiological factors on how dietary and nutritional factors affect the eye. The ocular system is perhaps one of the least studied organs in diet and nutrition, yet the consequences of vision loss are devastating....

23 244 ₽
Central Serous Chorioretinopathy
изд. 2019

Chhablani, Jay Central Serous Chorioretinopathy

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
Central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR) is a common disorder across the world with a variable prognosis without any standard of care. Recently, advancements in imaging have led to a better understanding of the pathogenesis and mechanisms of this disease. At the same time, there have been many new tr...
23 244 ₽
Ophthalmology, 5 International Edition
изд. 2018

Yanoff, Myron Ophthalmology, 5 International Edition

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
Long considered one of ophthalmology's premier texts this award-winning title by Drs. Myron Yanoff and Jay S. Duker remains your go-to reference for virtually any topic in this fast-changing field.

In a single convenient volume it offers detailed superbly illustrated guidance on nearly every ophthalmic...
26 032 ₽
Ophthalmology, 4 ed.
изд. 2018

Batterbury, Mark Ophthalmology, 4 ed.

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
This is a Fourth Edition of a popular introductory text to ophthalmology whose First Edition was awarded the Asher Prize in the Royalty Society of Medicine Book Awards.

The contents are divided into four parts. The first contains essential anatomy and physiology. The second part describes ophthalmic ...

4 515 ₽
Contact lens complications
изд. 2018

Efron, Nathan Contact lens complications

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
Accompanying the growing awareness of the significance of democratic local governments as an integrated part of peacebuilding, this volume seeks to discuss, problematize and explain the concept of the `local`. It tackles the `local turn` of peacebuilding in a comprehensive and critical way. This boo...
17 133 ₽
Atlas of oculoplastic and orbital surgery
изд. 2018

Dutton, Jonathan, Md, Phd Atlas of oculoplastic and orbital surgery

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
Now with more than 1,100 detailed and accurate medical illustrations, this second edition of Atlas of Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgery offers detailed step-by-step instructions for 100 of the most common procedures--including 12 new ones--performed by eyelid, lacrimal, and orbital surgeons. In addition...
43 415 ₽
Ocular Pathology, 8th Edition
изд. 2019

Yanoff, Myron / Мирон Янофф Ocular Pathology, 8th Edition

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
Bridge the gap between ophthalmology and pathology with the 8th Edition of this comprehensive, easy-to-understand reference from Drs. Myron Yanoff and Joseph W. Sassani.

Designed to keep you up to date with every aspect of the field, from current imaging techniques to genetics and molecular biology ...
41 971 ₽
Refractive Surgery
изд. 2019

Azar, Dimitri T. Refractive Surgery

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
In Uganda, East Africa, a region long controlled by Joseph Kony`s Lord`s Resistance Army, leaders of Catholic, Protestant, and Muslim communities overcame centuries of mistrust to work together for peace. Drawing on a rich collection of personal interviews, David Hoekema recounts the courageous work...
31 611 ₽
Advances in Ophthalmology and Optometry,3-1
изд. 2018

Yanoff, Myron Advances in Ophthalmology and Optometry,3-1

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
In Santiago`s urban shantytowns, a searing history of poverty and Chilean state violence have prompted grassroots resistance movements among the poor and working class from the 1940s to the present. Underscoring this complex continuity, Alison J. Bruey offers a compelling history of the struggle for...
20 321 ₽
Ophthalmic Genetic Diseases
изд. 2018

Couser, Natario L. Ophthalmic Genetic Diseases

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
No Place to Hide is a compelling war narrative by brain surgeon W. Lee Warren. He operated on soldiers, civilians, and terrorists alike under continual mortar bombardment at the largest theater hospital of the Iraq War, Joint Base Balad. This book is a detailed account of discovering meaning amid bo...
12 086 ₽
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