Офтальмология 412 книг
Clinical oct angiography atlas
изд. 2021

Rispoli, Marco Lumbroso, Bruno Huang, David Jia, Y / Марко Рисполи, Бруно Лумбросо Clinical oct angiography atlas

  • ENG
  • изд. 2021

Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) is a non-invasive technique for imaging the microvasculature of the retina and the choroid. The advent of OCTA has allowed ophthalmologists to identify new pathologies, recognise new syndromes, and organise disorders with new classifications.

This atlas...

12038 ₽   10 834 ₽
Color Atlas Of Retina & Optic Nerve
изд. 2022

Rajan / Раджан Color Atlas Of Retina & Optic Nerve

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022

This atlas is a practical guide to the diagnosis of common retina and optic nerve disorders.

Comprising more than 500 archetypal images, each disease is clearly illustrated showing clinical features and signs, from its early to later stages.

The images are followed by a brief description highlighting...

12289 ₽   11 060 ₽
Essentials Of Ophthalmology
изд. 2018

Манотош Рей Essentials Of Ophthalmology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018

Essentials of Ophthalmology: For Medical School and Beyond is a concise reference text for the medical undergraduates and residents, but the contents will also benefit family physicians who really are the first line of eye-care givers in the community.

Highly illustrated with 200 colour clinical pictures...

14256 ₽   9 979 ₽
Smith and Nesi's Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
изд. 2020

Servat J. Javier, Black Evan H., Nesi Frank A. Smith and Nesi's Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
This landmark book is the most extensive and complete oculofacial plastic surgery guide available in the market. Updated and broadened from the three previous editions, it includes advances in the use of surgical navigation systems, and new techniques and treatments for diseases involving the eyelid,...
21661 ₽   17 329 ₽
Retinal Vein OcclusionsEvidence-Based Management Retinal Vein OcclusionsEvidence-Based Management
изд. 2012

Browning David J. Retinal Vein OcclusionsEvidence-Based Management Retinal Vein OcclusionsEvidence-Based Management

  • ENG
  • изд. 2012
After diabetic retinopathy, the varieties of retinal vein occlusion constitute the most prevalent category of retinal vascular disease. For macular edema associated with central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO), no effective therapy existed until 2009, despite decades of research and failed pilot thera...
30745 ₽   21 522 ₽
Instant Clinical Diagnosis In Ophthalmology: Refractive Surgery
изд. 2011

Garg Instant Clinical Diagnosis In Ophthalmology: Refractive Surgery

  • ENG
  • изд. 2011
The book Sides of the Same Coin is the true story of a one-time social service worker, who lost employment and moved into his mother`s home to help care for her amidst mental deterioration and aging. After a major disagreement between siblings, this once-proud worker, who had serviced clients within...
11495 ₽   8 047 ₽
Kanski`s clinical ophthalmology 9 ed
изд. 2019

Kanski Jack J. / Кански Джек Kanski`s clinical ophthalmology 9 ed

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
Through eight outstanding editions, Kanski's Clinical Ophthalmology has been the classic specialty textbook, providing the perfect ophthalmology foundation for trainees and a valuable reference source for experienced practitioners. Building on the previous edition by Dr. Brad Bowling, Dr.

John ...
29474 ₽   20 632 ₽
Essentials in Ophthalmology, 1e
изд. 2017

Essentials in Ophthalmology, 1e

  • ENG
  • изд. 2017
Concise book or preparatory manual that students can refer to before exams, which covers the subject concisely and helps the student easily revise the subject. Ready reckoner that will to revise the subject before exams Covers important topics that are generally asked in exams Provide concise answers...
5486 ₽   1 271 ₽
Step by Step: Reading Pentacam Topography: Basics and Clinical Applications
изд. 2020

Mazen M Sinjab / Мазен М Синджаб Step by Step: Reading Pentacam Topography: Basics and Clinical Applications

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Third edition of bestselling guide to interpretation of corneal topography using Pentacam. Fully revised with latest advances in the field and two new algorithms. Authored by renowned ophthalmic specialist Mazen Sinjab. Previous edition (9789351523970) published in 2015.
4 356 ₽
Pediatric Vitreoretinal Surgery

'zdek / Сенгул Оздек, Аудина Беррокал, Pediatric Vitreoretinal Surgery

  • ENG
This book provides practical information on how to approach pediatric retinal diseases especially with respect to surgical indications and decisions as well as tips and key points for surgical techniques. Clear and concise chapters highlight pearls, pitfalls and related basic knowledge elements whic...
13 974 ₽
Taylor and hoyt`s pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus
изд. 2022

Taylor and hoyt`s pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022
Providing foundational knowledge and expert guidance on the complete spectrum of childhood eye disorders and strabismus, Taylor and Hoyt's Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 6th Edition, remains the #1 reference of choice for practicing and trainee pediatric ophthalmologists. Edited by global...
48 338 ₽
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