Сурдология и отиатрия 35 книг
Pediatric Audiology Casebook
изд. 2018

Madell Jane R., Flexer Carol, Wolfe Jace Pediatric Audiology Casebook

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018

Leverages real-life cases to foster in-depth understanding of pediatric audiology

Pediatric Audiology Casebook, Second Edition is fully updated with more than 60 new cases presented in four sections, covering all facets of the diagnosis and management of hearing disorders in children. Renowned experts...

12 386 ₽
Atlas of Neuroanatomy for Communication Science and Disorders
изд. 2018

Lapointe Leonard Atlas of Neuroanatomy for Communication Science and Disorders

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
A beautifully illustrated atlas that provides robust speech-language pathology and audiology learning toolsAtlas of Neuroanatomy for Communication Science and Disorders, Second Edition, is based on the award-winning textbook Atlas of Anatomy and the work of Michael Schuenke, Erik Schulte, and Udo Sc...
12 386 ₽
Microsurgical Management of Middle Ear and Petrous Bone Cholesteatoma
изд. 2018

Mario Sanna, Hiroshi Sunose, Fernando Mancini, Ale Microsurgical Management of Middle Ear and Petrous Bone Cholesteatoma

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018

The key reference dedicated to surgery for cholesteatoma...

The cholesteatoma, strictly speaking a cyst and not a cancer, nevertheless shows expansive and destructive growth patterns that may give rise to serious symptoms and consequences, including fatality, not unlike those seen for malignant neoplasms....

33 031 ₽
The Auditory Brain and Age-Related Hearing Impairment
изд. 2019

Eggermont, Jos The Auditory Brain and Age-Related Hearing Impairment

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
The Auditory Brain and Age-Related Hearing Impairment provides an overview of the interaction between age-related hearing impairments and cognitive brain function. This monograph elucidates the techniques used in the connectome and other brain-network studies based on electrophysiological methods. D...
17 533 ₽
Teaching Language to a Boy Born Deaf: The Popham Notebook and Associated Texts
изд. 2018

Wallis John Teaching Language to a Boy Born Deaf: The Popham Notebook and Associated Texts

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
An edition of the recently discovered notebook used in the seventeenth-century by John Wallis to teach language to the `deaf mute` Alexander Popham, who could not inherit unless he could speak - one of the most famous cases in the history of deaf education. David Cram and Jaap Maat place the work in...
17 820 ₽
Hearing Happiness: Deafness Cures in History
изд. 2020

Virdi Jaipreet Hearing Happiness: Deafness Cures in History

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Weaving together lyrical history and personal memoir, Virdi powerfully examines society's--and her own--perception of life as a deaf person in America.

At the age of four, Jaipreet Virdi's world went silent. A severe case of meningitis left her alive but deaf, suddenly treated differently...

3 485 ₽
Audiology Practice Management
изд. 2018

Brian Taylor Audiology Practice Management

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018

Find Success in Practice as an Audiologist

Audiology Practice Management, Third Edition by Brian Taylor, provides new and established audiologists with everything they need to know about running a practice in the 21st century. This new edition offers expert approaches to starting and maintaining a practice...

14 863 ₽
Patient and Family-Centered Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
изд. 2019

Meyer Carly, Scarinci Nerina, Hickson Louise Patient and Family-Centered Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
A how-to-guide on providing an evidence-based, patient- and family-centered care service in speech-language pathology and audiology Patient and family-centered care is a vital component of improving treatment satisfaction and measurable success. Patient and Family-Centered Speech-Language Pathology...
7 431 ₽
Thomas Procedures In Facial Plastic Surgery: Rhinoplasty
изд. 2012

Perkins Thomas Procedures In Facial Plastic Surgery: Rhinoplasty

  • ENG
  • изд. 2012
This book is one part of a seven volumes series covering the full spectrum of facial plastic and reconstructive surgery - each written by a nationally recognized facial plastic surgeon detailing their own clinical techniques and practices. Each volume is generously illustrated with superb clinical ...
11 666 ₽
Pediatric Audiology: Diagnosis, Technology, and Management
изд. 2018

Madell Jane R., Flexer Carol, Wolfe Jace Pediatric Audiology: Diagnosis, Technology, and Management

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
The definitive educational resource on the clinical management of hearing disorders in children Pediatric Audiology: Diagnosis, Technology, and Management, Third Edition is fully updated with cutting edge topics reflecting the latest advances in the field. New chapters include hearing and vestibul...
13 448 ₽
Audiology Treatment
изд. 2018

Galster Jason a. Audiology Treatment

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
The definitive guide to treating hearing loss and auditory disorders in the 21st centuryHearing loss impacts an estimated 360 million people worldwide and may precipitate poorer academic performance, reduced quality of life, decreased social engagement, and increased fatigue. Audiology Treatment, T...
9 404 ₽
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